Credit History

在加拿大/美国,有2家主要的信用记录公司。分别是    在申请贷款的时候,银行会查每个申请人的信用记录。大部分的客户记录良好,  其中有些是比较小的纠纷, 或者是信用公司数据错误, 建议您和信用记录公司马上联络;其中有些是同名同姓的数据错误, 您需要填好表格, 然后把自己的2份身份证例如护照/驾照/公民卡/枫叶卡/, 银行月结单, 水电账单,等等,和表格一起寄去/传真/EMAIL到信用公司。我们银行用 TRANS UNION 比较多。这里是公司的联络方式。

It's easy to dispute any inaccurate credit or personal information on your credit report. Simply follow these steps:   Download and complete form

Make sure you provide the following information:

Equifax Dispute,  1-800-465-7166

online form, 

Start Your Dispute, 

How do I submit a dispute?

If you see information on your Equifax credit report that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete, you have two options:

1. Receive a dispute form by email and submit it online.

2. Download and print a dispute form and mail it, with copies of all required documents, to this address:

Equifax Canada Co.
National Consumer Relations
Box 190
Montreal, Quebec H1S 2Z2 

What can I expect after filing a dispute?

Once you've filed your dispute documents online or by mail, you can expect the following:

We’ll investigate your dispute

If we’re able to make changes on your credit report based on the information you provided, we’ll do so. Otherwise, we’ll contact the company that reported the information to us to verify the accuracy of the information you're disputing.

We’ll process your dispute in about 15-20 days for online submissions and 20-25 days for mailed submissions

We’ll notify you if we need more information to complete our investigation. After we complete the investigation, we’ll send you a confirmation letter with the results. If you submitted your dispute online, we’ll notify you by email. If you mailed your completed form and documents, we’ll notify you by mail.

What documents do I need to submit?

When you file a dispute, the documentation you need to provide depends on what information you’re disputing. Here are some examples of documents we may need during our investigation:

Personal information

Account information

Other information

When filing a dispute, it’s helpful to include the Equifax Reference Number provided on your Equifax credit report, if available.