Desenho de Pesquisa

Programa das aulas [GOOGLE DRIVE - Literatura]

1. Pesquisa Causal. Teorias e Conceitos (18/02)

KELLSTEDT, Paul M. e WHITTEN, Guy D. Fundamentos da Pesquisa em Ciência Política. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015. Caps 1 e 2;


SUTTON, Robert I.; STAW, Barry M. What theory is not. Administrative science quarterly, p. 371-384, 1995.

Leitura Complementar:

KING, Gary; KEOHANE, Robert O.; VERBA, Sidney. Designing social inquiry: Scientific inference in qualitative research. Princeton university press, 1994; Cap. 1

2. Desenho de Pesquisa (03/03)

KELLSTEDT, Paul M. e WHITTEN, Guy D. Fundamentos da Pesquisa em Ciência Política. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015. Caps 3 e 4;

TOSHKOV, D., 2018. Research Design, in: Lowndes, V., Marsh, D., Stoker, G. (Eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science. Palgrave, London, pp. 219–236. Cap. 13


BANERJEE, Abhijit V., Rema HANNA, Gabriel E. KREINDLER, and Benjamin A. OLKEN. "Debunking the stereotype of the lazy welfare recipient: Evidence from cash transfer programs." The World Bank Research Observer 32, no. 2 (2017): 155-184.

Leitura Complementar:

ANGRIST, Joshua e PISCHKE, Jorn-Steffen. Mostly harmless econometrics: An empiricist's companion. Princeton university press, 2008. Questions about Questions e The experimental ideal Caps 1 e 2.

3. Conceituação, Mensuração e Tipos de Variáveis (10/03)

KELLSTEDT, Paul M. e WHITTEN, Guy D. Fundamentos da Pesquisa em Ciência Política. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015. Cap.5

CARMINES, Edward G.; ZELLER, Richard A. Reliability and validity assessment. Sage publications, 1979. - Cap 1 e 2


ELKINS, Zachary. "Gradations of democracy? Empirical tests of alternative conceptualizations." American Journal of Political Science (2000): 293-300.

SUTTON, Robert I.; STAW, Barry M. What theory is not. Administrative science quarterly, p. 371-384, 1995.

Leitura Complementar:

CARMINES, Edward G.; ZELLER, Richard A. Reliability and validity assessment. Sage publications, 1979.. Cap 3 e 4

4. Inferência descritiva e inferência causal (17/03)

KING, Gary, KEOHANE, Robert Keohane and VERVA, Sidney. 1994. Designing social inquiry: scientific inference in qualitative research. Cap. 2 e Cap. 3, pp. 55-62 e 75-96.

BRADY, Henry and COLLIER, David. 2004. Rethinking Social Inquiry: diverse tools, shared standards. Cap. 1 e Cap. 2, pp. 03-35.


PAPE, Robert A. "The strategic logic of suicide terrorism." American political science review. 97, no. 3 (2003): 343-361.

ASHWORTH, S, J. CCLINTON, A. MEIROWITS, and K. RAMSEY, “Design, Inference, and the Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism,” American Political Science Review, 2008, pp. 269-274

PAPE, Robert A, “Methods and Findings in the Study of Suicide Terrorism,” American Political Science Review, 2008, pp. 275-277

Leitura Complementar:

GOERTZ, Gary and MAHONEY, James. 2012. A Tale of Two Cultures: qualitative and quantitative research in the social sciences. Cap. 1 e 2, pp. 1-40; Cap. 8, pp. 100-114; Cap. 10 e 11, pp. 127-149.

5. Viés de Seleção e Viés de Variável Omitida (24/03)

COLLIER, David; MAHONEY, James. Insights and pitfalls: Selection bias in qualitative research. World Politics, v. 49, n. 1, p. 56-91, 1996.

GEDDES, Barbara. How the cases you choose affect the answers you get: Selection bias in comparative politics. Political analysis, v. 2, p. 131-150, 1990.

SEAWRIGHT, Jason and GERRING, John. 2008. Case-Selection Techniques in Case Study Research: A Menu of Qualitative and Quantitative Options. Political Research Quarterly Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 294-308.

Leitura Complementar:

KING, Gary; KEOHANE, Robert O.; VERBA, Sidney. Designing social inquiry: Scientific inference in qualitative research. Princeton university press, 1994; Cap. 4 e 5.

6. Estudos de Caso I (31/03)

TOSHKOV, Dimiter. 2016. Research Design in Political Science. 1st ed. 2016 edition. London New York, NY: Palgrave. Capítulo 10 (Single-Case Study Designs)

GERRING, John. 2008. “Case Selection for Case‐Study Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques.” The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology.

Leitura Complementar:

ELSTER, Jon. Peças e Engrenagens das Ciências Sociais. Relume Dumará. 1994.

7. Estudo de Caso II (Process Tracing) (07/04)

CUNHA, Eleonora Schettini Martins, and Carmem E. Leitão Araújo. 2018. Process tracing nas Ciências Sociais: fundamentos e aplicabilidade.

MAILLET, Antoine, and Sebastián Carrasco. 2019. “Regulação e poder de negócios: o caso do transporte público em Santiago (2007-2017).” Revista de Administração Pública 53(5): 942–59.

RUIJER, Erna et al. 2020. “The Politics of Open Government Data: Understanding Organizational Responses to Pressure for More Transparency.” The American Review of Public Administration 50(3): 260–74.

Leitura Complementar:

GEORGE, Alexander and BENNET, Andrew. 2005. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Cap. 10, pp. 205-232.

ELSTER, Jon. Peças e Engrenagens das Ciências Sociais. Relume Dumará. 1994.

8. Estudos Observacionais com N-grande (14/04)

TOSHKOV, Dimiter. 2016. Research Design in Political Science. 1st ed. 2016 edition. London New York, NY: Palgrave. Capítulo 8 (Large-N Designs)

MENEZES-FILHO, Naércio, and Elaine Pazello. 2007. “Do Teachers’ Wages Matter for Proficiency? Evidence from a Funding Reform in Brazil.” Economics of Education Review 26(6): 660–72.

AKIBA, Motoko, Yu-Lun Chiu, Kazuhiko Shimizu, and Guodong Liang. 2012. “Teacher Salary and National Achievement: A Cross-National Analysis of 30 Countries.” International Journal of Educational Research 53: 171–81.


COLLIER, David. “The Comparative Method”, in Finifter (ed), Political Science: The State of the Discipline II. Washington, D.C.: APSA. Pp. 113-119. 1993.

9. Estudos Experimentais 1 – Experimentos de Campo (21/04)

KRAFT, Matthew A., and Shaun M. Dougherty. 2013. “The Effect of Teacher–Family Communication on Student Engagement: Evidence From a Randomized Field Experiment.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 6(3): 199–222.

KARRUZ, Ana, and Ana Karruz. 2018. “Oferta, Demanda e Nota de Corte: Experimento Natural sobre Efeitos da Lei das Cotas no Acesso à Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.” Dados 61(2): 405–62.

CEPALUNI, Gabriel, and F. Daniel Hidalgo. 2016. “Compulsory Voting Can Increase Political Inequality: Evidence from Brazil.” Political Analysis 24(2): 273–80.


MURALIDHARAN, Karthik, and Nishith Prakash. 2017. “Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9(3): 321–50.

10. Estudos Experimentais e Mixed Designs(28/04)

John, Peter, and Toby Blume. 2018. “How Best to Nudge Taxpayers? The Impact of Message Simplification and Descriptive Social Norms on Payment Rates in a Central London Local Authority.” Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 1(1).

Guimaraes, Feliciano Sá de, Flavio Pinheiro, and Ivan Fernandes. 2020. “Prejudice Towards Internal And Foreign Migration: Combining List And Endorsement Experiments In Brazil.” In Honolulu, Hawaii / USA.

10.1 Mixed Designs

Toshkov, Dimiter. 2016. Research Design in Political Science. 1st ed. 2016 edition. London New York, NY: Palgrave. Capítulo 11 (Mixed and Nested Designs)

Seawright, Jason. 2016. “Better Multimethod Design:The Promise of Integrative Multimethod Research.” Security Studies 25(1): 42–49.

Seawright, Jason. 2016. Multi-Method Social Science: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Tools. Cambridge University Press. [não obrigatório]