Syntax of embedding Applet in HTML

Applet 可以直接嵌入到 HTML, 语法如下:

    CODE = "name of .class file"
    CODEBASE = "path of the .class file"
    HEIGHT = "maximum height of the applet, in pixels"
    WIDTH = "maximum width of the applet, in pixels"
    VSPASE = "vertical space between the applet and the rest of the HTML, in pixels"
    HSPASE = "horizontal space between the applet and the rest the HTML, in pixels"
    ALIGN = "alignment of the applet with respect to the rest of the Web page"
    ALT = "alternate text to be displayed if the browser does not support applet">
        <PARAM NAME = "paramter_name" VALUE = "value_of_parameter">
        <PARAM NAME = "paramter_name" VALUE = "value_of_parameter">

将 applet 插入到 JSP 页面可参考本站的 To embed applet to JSP.

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