Karatedo lineage

Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai lineage

As there are very few written documents about those distant times, it is virtually impossible to establish a perfect picture. What is certain is that Karatedo descends from Chinese martial arts and its birthplace was the island of Okinawa. Two major influences started to distinguish: shurite and nahate. Throughout history, there was a lot of exchange between the different disciplines. Some of these great masters were not only training partners but were also bound by a very strong friendship as Annan and Sokon Matsumura, Anko Itosu and Anko Asato, Kanbun Uechi and Go Kenki or Kenwa Mabuni and Chojun Miyagi.

There are many sources citing dates, spellings and anecdotes whose the accuracy cannot be affirmed. This lineage chart is rather a synthesis which aims to present an overview of the history of Karatedo – it doesn’t aim to draw a complete picture. We pay tribute to those masters who are not on the chart because either they were present in the background, or because there is no written record of their work. Here are the most famous masters who helped shape the Karatedo we know today. Their friendship and devotion to martial arts should inspire us every day.

© Copyright: Image created and owned by Veronika Jambor.Please cite the author and the source, if used or copied. Reproduction is forbidden for commercial use.

Some photos of famous masters present in the chart above: