

Zanshin is a Japanese term that literally means "remaining mind". It refers to a state of awareness.

In karatedo it means mental alertness and physical readiness before, during and after an action.

Zanshin gathers all aspects of our practice: body posture, correct technique, right distance, eye contact, perception of our surrounding, focused energy (kiai) and still mind.

It is not a kind of stiff kamae posture after finishing an action, nor a fierce look. Our face is calm with no intent showing. Our energy is relaxed and focused - ready to react.

Developing real zanshin needs practice. After many years of intense training zanshin will become less forced, more subtle, more unconscious.

The goal is to integrate it to our everyday life, to develop a calmness of mind facing all situation. Being still doesn't mean doing nothing.

It means being calm enough to control our emotions and body to analyse the situation and make the right decision.