Affiliation to ISKK

Affiliation criteria

  • Each applying dojo must be affiliated to their own National Governing Body (Federation) in their country.
  • Each applying dojo or person must hold adequate Insurance cover
  • ISKK membership is not just a label or a certificate to possess, but effective work. To validate affiliation process, for each group membership, a minimum two-day seminar conducted by Sensei John Rakoto should be organized by the applicant in his country, for his students and instructors.

Affiliation benefits

  • access to regular training facilities and progression
  • access to authentic Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai transmitted by Sensei John Rakoto (See Calendar)
  • possibility to meet and occasionnaly train under Kenshikai Japan masters - direct disciples to Shihan Mizuguchi Hirofumi
  • high level brown/black belt and instructors’ courses
  • possibility to pass dan grading tests following the Kenshikai Syllabus
  • access to information through ISKK website, email, newsletters

Members’ obligations

Code of conduct

All members are expected and required to:

- Act with appropriate behaviour and observe the values of ISKK

- Hold the highest standards of respect and dignity towards instructors and fellow members.

Effective work

Annual seminar(s) conducted by Sensei John Rakoto should be organised to keep unity in practice and to promote and preserve Shitoryu Karatedo

All members accept to respect and follow the syllabus of Shitoryu Karatedo Yoshukan Kenshikai developed by Shihan Mizuguchi Hirofumi and dispatched by Sensei John Rakoto

Membership dues

All members are expected to pay the annual affiliation fee on time.


ISKK membership is per dojo, not per country.

If several dojos are affiliated in a region / country, a Coordinator Dojo may be chosen to lead, regulate trainings and communication as well as to help keeping contact with ISKK Head Office.


If you share our values, want to progress through traditional training methods

and wish to contribute to the promotion of Shitoryu Karatedo Kenshikai,

we are pleased to welcome your dojo as an affiliated member of our association.

On demand, we will send you all the documents for the affiliation.