The benefits of karatedo

The benefits of karatedo

The word “karate” is the combination of two kanji (Japanese characters): “KARA” meaning “empty” and “TE” meaning “hand”. Karate therefore means “empty hand”, i.e. without a weapon, and also in a figurative sense – without any bad intentions. The suffix “DO” meaning “the way” implies that karate is a way of life going beyond mere self-defense or simple physical activity. In traditional karatedo, we must always keep in mind that we are fighting ourselves, our weaknesses, our imperfections.

Karatedo vehicles and teaches the nine virtues of martial arts: honor, loyalty, sincerity, courage, kindness, humility, honesty, respect, and self-control.

Karatedo is open to all. Age or physical condition is not a barrier. Each practitioner works and progresses at his/her own pace. According to age, the practice of karatedo brings its benefits on a physical, social, cultural level and in terms of personal development.

The practice of karatedo is divided into three aspects: kihon (the base, essential elements, the work of "foundations"), kata (form) and kumite (sparring against one or more). Following the principle of SHINGITAI, the technique, the body and the spirit are one. They form a unity. I.e. the physical exercise, our techniques must reflect our spirit and by improving our training, we eliminate our weaknesses, our hesitations and we polish our mentality.

For CHILDREN, karatedo is a fun and educational exercise. It helps muscle development and the acquisition of balance. Through lateral and vertical movements, children become aware of the limits of their body that contributes to good coordination in space. Coordinated movements improve the precision of gestures. It helps to focus energy, enhances listening and concentration. Work with a partner or in group during training develops social relationships and determination. During kumite, they learn the limits of danger, to trust themselves and others.

For TEENS and YOUNG ADULTS, regular practice of karatedo ameliorates endurance and flexibility. It contributes to emotion control, teaches humility, respect and tolerance. They discover the benefits of sharing a passion with friends and open their mind to another culture. Memory and concentration are improved, which is profitable for studies, too.

Around 30 to 40 years, karatedo provides physical maintenance. During training, effort is discontinuous; sequences of different intensity follow one another. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain good cardiovascular condition, karatedo is an ideal choice.

LADIES represent more than a third of karateka. When working on postures, deep muscles are solicited. Supplemented by stretching, we gain flexibility, which helps prevent tension and back pain. Through observation and self-improvement, as well as relaxation, karatedo is a great tool for stress management. So well-being, self-defense, complete physical activity, and self-confidence are among the benefits of regular practice.

SENIORS develop memory, concentration and coordination. The practice of karatedo maintains balance and muscular volume: it is an excellent way to prevent falls and fractures.

It is a complete art bringing balance between body and mind. The founder of our school, Kenwa Mabuni taught us "KUNSHI NO KEN", or how to become a better person through the practice of our noble discipline, the karatedo.

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