Student Guide

A separate website is under construction with detailed instructions for students: [Student Guide]

Document named MSResPropIIIE.doc is attached to the bottom of this page. It provides guidance on how to prepare a research proposal for MS degree. Please note that there are several steps and suggestions. A summary is as follows:

    1. Prepare an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY in an area of interest. This is a list of articles and a brief summary of each article, all related to a common topic.

    2. Reading the articles would give you an idea of what open questions are there in this field. Chose one of these open questions.

    3. Find a suitable supervisor in relevant area to discuss your topic with. Get further guidance from supervisor on what other readings should be done and what are interesting questions in your area of interest.

    4. Prepare a draft research proposal. Have your supervisor look at it and make suggestions. Have it looked at by faculty from IIIE, and any other relevant experts for comments.

    5. Revise draft in accordance with comments. Get revised draft approved by supervisor.

    6. Check the document COMMON MISTAKES below, and make sure that your draft DOES NOT contain any of these common mistakes. In particular, most students commit plagiarism, make sure to avoid this. Check document on plagiarism below to understand what it is and how to avoid it.

    7. Submit draft to myself via THIS WEBSITE and EMAIL and HARDCOPY. ALL THREE FORMS should be done.

    8. Submission via THIS WEBSITE involves ADDING the attachment to your webpage on this site, adding any relevant comments regarding your proposal on your webpage, also also listing CONTACT INFORMATION (mobile numbers and email) for both yourself and your supervisor on this website.

    9. I will put comments on your proposal on this website when I have finished evaluating your proposal.

GENERAL Feedback and Advice from Students will be put on this page. Specific Comments should be put on the page devoted to the proposal.