Sadia Shabbir

Evaluation: Relationships being evaluated are too complex to have any degree of confidence in an econometric analysis based on annual data. This project can only be done qualititatively. The econometric model cannot be estimated or evaluated, the time series are too short for valid application of the techniques that are planned for use. Substantial rethinking is needed.

I have not mentioned the minor issues like your using annotated bibliography instead of literature review, and introducing lots of irrelevant materials in the proposal.

Old Title: Implications of External Debt for Social Spending in Pakistan

New Title: Implications of External public Debt for Social Spending in developing Asian Countries

Ms. Sadia Shabbir, Reg. No. 64-FE/MS(EF-2)F10

Proposed Supervisor: Dr. Hafiz M. Yasin, IIIE

Co- Supervisor: Mr. Malik Muhammad, IIIE