Sadia Nazir

Title: Determinants of an Alternative Energy Demand for Road Sector in Pakistan

Please look at the Student Guide website.

Your lit review is an annotated bibliography. Lots of irrelevant literature is cited. Methodology is not clear, background literature not cited or explained. Contribution, relevance, importance not established. GAP not established -- that is, what does the GALLUP study contain, and what it fails to cover.

Your literature review should concentrate on the following main issues related to your research

A: What has been done already on the data, and HOW your study will ADD to this

B: What work has been done on energy in Pakistan and how your study will ADD to this.

C: What are the methodologies which are in use, and how your methodology builds on them -- has anybody use the same equations and variables and techniques etc -- if so you must cite this precedent. If not you must explain why you chose a different methodology from the ones currently in use.

Currently your lit review does NONE of these things, so it is hard to assess:

A: How much innovation there is

B: Is your methodology sound? Are you using variables which are commonly used? Have you introduced new ones? Is the OLS technique appropriate? How is it related to what methodologies have been used before.