Abu Bakar Ghaffari

Comments: 26th Feb, 2012 by Asad Zaman

This is nicely written, but it is written like a FINAL THESIS, NOT like a PROPOSAL. Proposals are SHORT, only ten pages maximum. This one is 26. The introduction should be at most 2 pages, yours takes six. Detailed explanations of various theories are NOT part of a proposal (though they can be part of the thesis writeup). Please read the IIIE STUDENT GUIDE to writing proposals carefully. Revise to SHORTEN the proposal to essential elements. Focus on the GAP in the literature and what YOUR contribution will be.

Topic: Interest Rate, Inflation and Output; Relationship Revisited


Mr. Abu Bakar Ghaffari

Reg # 222-SE/MS-Eco1/F09

Proposed Supervisor: Dr. Atiq-ur-Rehman