School Song

The school song was written by Hubert Butler with considerable help from a 12 year old pupil. It first appeared in the School Magazine, volume 1 number 2, in December 1930 and was written during the Autumn term.

It was set to the music Monk's Gate, which is best known as the hymn To be a Pilgrim by John Bunyan, 1684.

Often when tireless waves

Hurl them together

Into Tintagel's caves,

'Spite of the weather

Knights of the Table Round

On quests of Mercy bound

Sing to the thunder's sound

Laugh at the lightning.


Danes over wold and fen

Britain encumber;

Scarcely a thousand men

Alfred can number,

Yet shall the Wessex ground

To their proud tramp resound,

Drummed by the thunder's sound,

Lit by the lightning.


So here at Huyton Hill

We pledge the future;

We will with brave good will

Meet all adventure.

Where tasks do most confound,

There may we straight be found,

Though thunder echoes round

After the lightning.