First Post

Post date: Jul 05, 2011 10:40:21 PM

Welcome to all Huyton Hill pupils, staff and anyone else interested in the school.

I hope that this site will remind you, and convey to others, what a unique and special school we were lucky enough to attend.


After a visit to Huyton Hill on June 5th 2011 on a beautiful hot day I was inspired to try to make contact with other pupils and started with "Beckfoot Found" and the Huyton Hill blog in Wordpress.

 I also found a Huyton Hill group in Friends Reunited where a number of colleagues had registered and posted pictures.


This venture into the bloggers world (a novelty for me) proved much more fruitful than I expected and I made contact with John Mott, Edward Gorton, Richard Welbury, David Porter and Margaret Baxter. We have exchanged strings of emails and pictures, and the content of this website is a direct result of those exchanges.


I hope you like the site and enjoy the information, pictures and comments. Please contribute your own stories and information to share and preserve the special experience of school that the Butler brothers and all the HH staff gave to us.


The site Editors are two serious looking swots:


Whilst other contributors are much more relaxed!



Thanks to all HH friends who have so enthusiastically contributed to this site.

With best wishes,

Gordon Dyer.