The Himalayan Club

Post date: Jul 21, 2011 10:50:47 PM

On searching for information about our Maths teacher, Gordon Osmaston, I found an article in the Himalayan Club website "Gordon Osmaston and Tenzing", Himalayan Journal 48, 1990-1991. The article was written by his cousin Henry Osmaston as an obituary and contains a fascinating account of Gordon's time spent surveying the Himalayas.

The Himalayan Club have generously given permission for me to reproduce extracts from the article which I have included in the page for Gordon Osmaston.


From: Nandini Purandare <>

Sent: 19 July 2011 13:15

To: Gordon Dyer

Subject: Re: Reference to Gordon H Osmaston and permission to use


Dear Mr. Dyer,

We would be happy to allow you to use the material regarding Mr. Osmaston. As we are not a

commercial organisation either, our purpose is to have as many people read the HJ as possible.

However, as you have indicated, please do give the Himalayan Journal suitable


Let me know if you need any other information and do let us know when you upload your article

on the website.


Nandini Purandare

Hon Secretary

Himalayan Club