If Not Duffers...

Post date: Jun 25, 2012 1:5:56 AM

I thought it was time to record the various blogs that have appeared with comments from Huyton Hill pupils, firstly because it forms the history of our making contact, and secondly because I have been looking at ways of creating a new site for us all to continue to record comments and stories without it all being via emails that I then selectively add to the web site.

The first site that started our web contact was The Arthur Ransome Blog Spot at http://www.arthurransome.blogspot.co.uk/ and the article called Beckfoot Found... http://arthurransome.blogspot.co.uk/2006/05/beckfoot-found.html?showComment=1168186860000 dated 28th May 2006.

John West was the first to add comments and memories of the school to this article, and this was followed up by a series of comments by various pupils. It became so popular that 'Jock' the moderator of Beckfoot Found... decided to help to create a Huyton Hill blog in Wordpress sometime before July 2010.

Jock copied the existing comments into http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=28892501&postID=114884800385340669&pli=1

John Mott volunteered to moderate the Huyton Hill blog and it was set up at http://huytonhill.wordpress.com/

Edward Gorton's "Long Shot" was added as the first comment and a subsequent series of responses, however this did not work too well as the comments seemed to becone fragmented.

John made a brave attempt to rescue the situation with a new site at http://mottjohn.wordpress.com/2011/03/26/the-huyton-hill-blog/ but it seems that the fragmentation had taken its toll and continuity was lost.

I have been trying to find a suitable way of allowing all old boys to write comments into this site, but have not yet managed it, and so I join the duffers...!


Update: I have added a link to John Mott's Wordpress blog called "Discussion Forum" in the header of this site.