School Films - Grattan Derbyshire

Post date: Jul 29, 2011 12:38:37 PM

Several films were made at the school, including Bike Ride and Changing Houses ceremony. These were made by Grattan Derbyshire but seem to have been lost after Hubert Butler's death. Major Butler filmed some of the bike ride, he has been remembered filming us walking on the stepping stones across the River Rothay.

An old boy wrote: "I corresponded with J. Gratton Darbishire on Facebook over a year ago. He was living in Adelaide, and told me he was an old boy. He was good friends with Hubert. He had absolutely no idea where any of the films had gone.

A little while ago I tried to re-connect with him but discovered that he had died 22nd August 2010."

"I’m sorry to hear about Gratton Derbyshire, I remember watching him editing one of the films in the Crossley room with a separate film and magnetic soundtrack that he was having to synchronise. I expect copies of the films were amongst Hubert’s things."

"I asked Hubert's son about the films one summer when we were staying at Huyton Hill. He hadn't found them in Hubert's possessions and assumed they had been lost."

If anyone can give clues about what happened to the films please contact me.