Quiz Questions

Only "Quiz Questions" that I have confirmed the answer to will be posted here


Q: A planet that has two suns is said to orbit what kind of star system?

A: Binary

Q: Saturn's rings are made of chunks of rock and what else?

A: Ice

Q: What is the nearest large, spiral galaxy to us?

A: Andromeda

Q: What is the nearest star to us?

A: sun

Q: Which planet is closest to our sun?

A: Mercury

Art And Music

Q: What was the Beetles'  first no. 1 hit?

A: Please Please Me


Q: What is the name of the protein found in saliva that helps to heal wounds?

A: Slpi

Q: What is a group of cats called?

A: clouder

Q: The Yellow Center of an egg is called what?

A: Yolk


Q: “National Anthem of Mauritania” is the national anthem of what country?

A: Mauritania

Q: Siberia is in what country?

A: Russia

Q: True or False: You can walk from Paris to Beijing

A: true

Q: What is the capital of Canada?

A: Ottawa

Q: What is the capital of Croatia?

A: Zegreb

Q: What is the capital of Indonesia?

A: Jakarta

Q: What is the capital of Jamaica?

A: Kingston

Q: What is the capital of Lithuania?

A: Vilnius

Q: What is the capital of Montenegro?

A: Podgorica

Q. What is the capital of Pakistan?

A: Islamabad

Q: What is the capital of Panama?

A: Panama City

Q: What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?

A: Port Moresby

Q: What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?

A: Riyadh

Q: What is the capital of Serbia?

A: Belgrade

Q: What is the capital of Sierra Leone?

A: Freetown

Q: What is the capital of Uganda?

A: Kampala

Q: What is the capital of Ukraine?

A: Kiev

Q: What is the large bay or gulf in Australia called?

A: Gulf of Carpentaria


Q: A word that describes a noun is called what?

A: Adjective

Q: A sentence is a group of words which describes or imparts a complete what?

A: thought


Q: The Emperor of Japan is also known as the what?

A: Mikado

Q: The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by what country?

A: France

Q: The earliest known form of writing is called?

A: Cuniform


Q: "Pferd" is 'Horse' in what language?

A: German


Q: How many thieves were companions of Ali Baba?

A: 40


Q: February is the ____st/nd/rd/th day of the year.

A: 34

Q: How many days in a normal year?

A: 365

Q: How many seconds in a week?

A: 604800

Q: Round off the following number to the nearest decimal place: 21:29

A: 21.5

Q: True or False: if A is less than B, and B is less than C, A is greater than C.

A: False


Q: Puffy white clouds that may bring rain are what?

A: Cumulus


Q: At work I am called a potter. What do I make?

A: Pottery


Q: In Irish legends, there is about to be serious trouble in a home if you hear the _____ Wail.

A: Banshee

Q: In Norse mythology, whose brother, Loki, caused trouble wherever he went?

A: Helblindi


Q: A generally round vehicle used for taking explorers to the deepest oceans is called what?

A Bathysphere

Q: True or false: Some dolphins live only in rivers.

A: True

Q: What is another name for Killer Whale?

A: Orca


Q: Which dinosaur was named for the three horns on it’s head?

A: Triceratops


Q: Parrots have how many toes on each foot?

A: 4

Q:True or false: a "live-bearer" is a fish that gives birth to free-swimming young.

A: true


Q: What force causes two objects to warm up when rubbed together?

A: Friction

Q: A group of dolphins is called a what?

A: pod


Q:Geology is the study of what?

A: Rocks

Q:Hydrology is the study of what?

A: Water


Q: What country does the Dalmatian come from?

A: Croatia

Q: Name one type of bird that is a member of the Ratite Family.

A: Ostrich

Q: True or false: Rabbits are members of the rodent family.

A: False

Q: What breed of dog was developed specifically for hunting badgers?

A: Dachshund