
Here is where I am posting all of the various KEYS found or earned throughout Horse Isle. All KEYS, once received by you, automatically go onto your "key-ring," which is accessible from the Your Keys Button located in your Inventory window.

LordCobalt's Mine Key

Quest this key relates to: MadamMinter's Metals Quest

Location(s):     LordCobalt is at the Cobalt Family Home in MarshTon

                         The key opens LordCobalt's Mine on Triangle Isle. 

MadamCoronet's house Key

Quest this key relates to: MadamCoronet's Errand Quest

Location(s):     MadamCoronet is found at the GlacierTon Trainer

                          The key is used for MadamCoronet's house, located just south of the GlacierTon Trainer Building

ProfQuasar's Gate Key

Quest this key relates to: ProfQuasar's Parmigiana Quest (quest must be completed, as the key is part of the reward)

Location(s):      ProfQuasar is located on Cavern Isle in the Crater Mountain Archipelago.

                          This key opens a gate into a secondary tunnel in the Cavern Isle Cave.