Tiger Isle

Quest: Biscuits and Gravy for ClipAndSnipSon

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon Barber Shop

Person: ClipAndSnipSon

Reward: lost internet before I could get this info

MrClipAndSnipSon wants some biscuits and gravy. Run west of the Barber Shop to the Inn and talk to the inn keeper, she will give you biscuits and gravy for $500. Return them to ClipAndSnipSon for your reward.


Quest: DistantDrumKins and the Battle of the Vines

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon Tack Shop

Person: DistantDrumKins 

Reward: $25,000 and 40 quest points

DistantDrumkins hates the vines growing into his store so he wants to try and make them happy so they won't take over the place. He asks you to find a florist to tell him about growing vines. Go to GlacierTon and talk to LilyKins, then return to DistantDrumKins to tell him what she said. DistantDrumKins now needs a trellis to grow his vines on and asks you to find a carpenter to make him one. Go to CarpenterSan on Dumbbell. He gives you the trellis he has already made, but you must replace the supplies he used to make it. He needs 3 logs and 10 sticks. Return with the trellis to DistantDrumKins on Jungle for your reward.


Quest: GalaxyLad's Diorama

Location: TigerTon Library

Person: GalaxyLad

Reward: $10,000 and 75 Quest Points

GalaxyLad gives you a list of items he needs for his Diorama; you need to get at least 6 items on the list. We have all of the posted.



Quest: LilWanderer's Identity Crisis

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon, Wanderer Family home 

Person: LilWanderer

Reward: $35,000 and 50 Quest points

LilWanderer is worried about looking like WanderLass and would like you to get her a few things to make her look different. First, she would like you to go to MrsSunFire in MeadowTon bank to get her a headband. Mrs SunFire needs 6 spools of copper wire, linen ribbon, blue dye and $500 to make the headband. Return the headband to LilWanderer. Next, she sends you to MrsAtoll in the dock house on Banana Isle. MrsAtoll needs 2 spools of silver wire and 2 Quartz. Return to MrsAtoll 24 hours after you give her the supplies to pick up LilWanderer's earrings. Bring the earrings to LilWanderer. Last, she sends you to LadyPurl in NarrowTon to get a scarf for her. LadyPurl will make the scarf without needing money or items, just return to her 2 hours after talking to her to pick up the scarf. Take the scarf to LilWanderer for your reward.


Quest: LordRollingStone's Memoirs

Location:  Tiger Island, TigerTon, LordRollingStone's Home

Person: LordRollingStone

Difficulty: Novice, Intermediate or Advanced ... Which?

Reward: $10,000 and 30 Quest Points

LordRollingStone asks you to deliver copies of his Memoirs to each of the Libraries in the Horse Isles. You will find Libraries at:









When the deliveries have been completed, return to LordRollingStone to let him know.

***NOTE*** to make the delivery for the DryTon Library, you must talk to ProfPageTurner, who lives at ProfPageTurner's House next door to the library.


Quest: LordRollingStone's Cat

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon, LordRollingStone's house

Person: Lord RollingStone

Reward: $10,000  and 35  quest points

LordRollingStone would like you to find his cat.  He lost her on Deep Jungle Isle and tells you to talk to LadyChatsWorthy, as she may know something. LadyChatsWorthy lives in the NorthWest corner of Deep Jungle. She tells you the cat is in the SouthEast corner near a temple. Get the cat and return to LordRollingStone .


Quest: MrFernWorthy's Plywood Cutout 

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon Feed store

Person: MrFernWorthy

Reward: $8,000 and 25 quest points

MrFernWorthy wants you to deliver some plywood cutouts he got from his cousin to some of his neighbors (in TigerTon)

ZeroZedSon the Blacksmith.

MrUnderbrush Livery

SirCalisthenics Trainer

DistantDrumKins Tack Shop

MissGottaHaveIt Auction House

Return to MrFernWorthy when you have them all delivered


Quest: MrsMarlinSpike's Stamps 

Location: Tiger Island, Dockouse

Person: MrsMarlinSpike's 

Reward: $25,000  and 50  quest points

MrsMarlinSpike would like you to deliver stamps to two of her friends, LadyChatsWorthy on Deep Jungle, and MissFrigate on Stem Isle. Go to MissFrigate first, as she gives you stamps for LadyChatsWorthy, also. Go to LadyChatsWorthy second, she gives you stamps for MrsMarlinSpike. Finally, return to MrsMarlinSpike and receive your reward. 


Quest: Mr Scales Hidden Treasure 

Location: TigerTon Rock Shop

Person: MrScales

Reward: $10,000 and 45 quest points

MrScales would like you to dig up his buried treasures. (You will need to return to MrScale after digging up each treasure to give the treasure to him and get the next location.) 

The first treasure is located just South of MrQuickSilver's house on Banana Isle.

The second treasure is on the east most tip of Glacier Isle

The third and final chest is between two mausoleums on Decay Isle.


Quest: MrOarsMan's Pearls

Location: SouthEast beach

Person: MrOarsMan

Reward: $20,000 and 25 quest points

MrOarsman needs 15 pearls. These can be acquired by checking under any flotsam along the beaches.


Quest: MrsSummerStorm's Special Delivery

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon Rock Shop

Person: MrsSummerStorm's

Reward: $4,000 and 25 quest points

MrsSummerStorm wants you to pick up a cinnabar from MrSteerHide who is in the arena and give him some start quarts. Head to the arena and trade with MrSteerhide then return to MrsSummerStorm for your reward.


Quest: PrinceSafariSon's Sealing Wax

Location:  Tiger Island, TigerTon PrinceSaffariSon's home

Person: Prince Saffari Son

Reward: $20,000 and 60 quest points

PrinceSafariSon needs you to gather the ingredients for him for his sealing wax. Beeswax comes from HoneySan in the AngleTon City Hall. Resin comes from LordRedSpruce in TigerTon; he charges you $350 for it. Shellac comes from MrSpinder in MeadowTon, it is $400. MrObsidian the Rock Shop owner in DryTon charges you $350 for the chalk. MrsDragonFly in MarshTon charges you $1,000 for the purple pigment.


Quest: Sage's Great Escape

Location:  Tiger Island, TigerTon Livery

Person: MrUnderBrush

Reward: $15,000 and 40 quest points

MrUnderBrush wants you to go collect Sage a horse that escaped. Go due east of town and you will find a tree house and Sage is outside of it. Talk to her and she will tell you she wants a new halter the color you pick mine was purple. Return to MrUnderBrush and tell him what sage told you. He will ask you to get her a simple halter. Return to Sage with the simple Halter and she will not want to go with you so go to MrUnderBrush and he will go and get her.


Quest: The Zebra's Stripes 

Location: Tiger Island, TigerTon, MadamOcelot's home

Person: MadamOcelot

Reward: $12,000 and 40 Quest points

Talk to MadamOCelot and she tells you the zebra is upset. You find out thee zebra would like to dye it's Hair. Go to the TigerTon Vet and ask about animal safe dyes. Then go to Plainton Rump Painter who will offer to dye the zebra. Return to MadamOcelot and tell her the good news


Deep Jungle

Quest: TallyMan's Banana 

Location: Deep Jungle, LadyChatWorthy's house

Person: TallyMan

Reward: $3,000 and 25 quest points

TallyMan would like you to get him 15 bananas. Return the bananas to him, then talk to LadyChatsWorthy for your reward


Green Isle

Quest: MrLodestar's Towel 

Location: Green Isle, Southern Rowboat

Person: MrLodestar's 

Reward: $5,000 and 25 quest points

MrLoadstone has lost his towel.

OH NO!! he can't leave his post to go find it and asks you to do it. Go down the beach to the east, there will be a pair of palm trees and 2 pieces of driftwood in a "V" shape. Use your magnifying glass in the center of the 2 drift woods to find the towel. Return it to MrLoadStone.


Quest: SirFairWinds Sandcastle 

Location: Green Isle, North Western Rowboat

Person: SirFairWinds 

Reward: $15,000 and 25 quest points

SirFairWinds wants to build a sandcastle and needs you to collect supplies for him.

He Needs:

5 Cowrie Shells

5 Conch Shells

5 Scallop Shells

5 Clam Shells

10 Agates 

20 pieces of seawead (found with the underwater helmet)

and an empty pail


Vine Isle

Quest: BarnacleLad's Gift Woes Quest 

Location: :  Vine Isle, Dockhouse

Person: BarnacleLad's 

Reward: $7,500 and 25 quest points

BarnacleLad Wants you to get him a silver Emerald necklace. They can be crafted using jewelry.
