Quest: FanBrushLad's Comic Quest
Location: Marshton Horse Painter
Person: FanBrushLad
Reward:$2000 and 25 Quest Points
FanBrushLad needs you to go pick up the next installment of his comic book from the general store. Run over to the general store and talk to the shopkeeper in the general store to get FanBrushLad's comic book. Return the comic book back to FanBrushLad.
Quest: LadyCobalt's Glaze's part 1 (if someone can take pictures for these and send to me
Location: Marshton Cobalt family home
Person: LadyCobalt
Reward:$30,000 and 50 Quest Points
LadyCobalt needs supplies to make her glazes for pottery and wants you to collect them. Go to Alpine and Dig Near a Large Flat stones on the beaach. Next head to Rocky Cove-Rocky tunnel and dig in the center of the largest puddle. Finally go to Arid Island and dig in the center of the rocks. Return to LadyCobalt with the supplies.
Quest: LadyRibbons and the Mystery of the Miniature Books Quest
Location: LadyRibbons' House
Person: LadyRibbons
Reward:$15,000 and 50 Quest points
LadyRibbons is worried about her Daughter who is writing Miniature books. She asks you to help her find one of the books which is found downstairs by searching in the cabinet downstairs shown in the picture below. After returning to LadyRibbons with the book she asks you to find her daughter CandyLass on Swamp Isle. CandyLass is in the center of Swamp Isle after talking to her return to LadyRibbons for your reward.
Quest: LadyWellSpring Investigates the Leprechaun
Prerequisite: LadyWellSpring and the Legend of the Leprachaun
Location: Marshton Arena Listed race
Person: LadyCobalt
Reward:60 dubloons, 6 golden feathers and15,000 and 60 Quest Points
LadyWellSpring is trying to find more Leorechaun gold and needs you to find it for her. She sends you to the Marshton Library first to read the books on the table about Leprechauns, Then use your Magnifying glass around the Librarian.
Talk to the Marshton Librarian after you find the clue then use your magnifying glass on the table to the left.
Go to Pitcher island to the small island in the center and dig near the gold ore rocks and leap will appear.
Leave the small island on Pitcher and use the venus Fly trap to get into the small circle area and Leap should immediately appear. If he does not appear immediately dig where you landed.
Grab the fly trap to thefar right not the one that is closest to you when you landed in the circle to get transported to Swampy. Dig where your standing as soon as you transport in to get a brimming pot of gold
return this to LadyWellSpring
Quest: LadyWellSpring Investigates the Leprechaun
Location: Marshton Arena Listed race
Person: LadyCobalt
Reward: 45 Dubloons and 35 Quest Points
LadyWellSpring Haas found a pot of Leprechaun gold and wants you to go and retrieve it she left it on Pitcher Island marked with a red ribbon. Go to pitcher Island and use your magnifying glass near the Fly Traps. When you get the option to distract leap distract him with a carrot. Return to LadyWellSpring with your pot of gold.
Quest: MadamSweetLaces Lost Measuring Spoon
Location: Marshton, LadyRibbons house
Person: MadamSweetLace
Reward: 3,000 and 25 Quest Points
MrNeedleMan wants 6 marshmallow roots these can be found on most of the marshy Islands.
Quest: Mallows for MrNeedleMan
Location: Marshton, Marshton Inn
Person: MrNeedleMan
Reward: 6,000 and 25 Quest Points
MadamSweetLace needs you to find her lost measuring spoon. Use your magnifying glass in front of the large cabinet in the back then return the spoon to her.
Quest: MarshTon Mosquito Vaccine Reminder
Location: Veterinary Clinic
Person: DrCottonWool
Reward: $10,000 and 35 Quest points
DrCotton Wool wants you to remind MarshTon Residents to get their mosquito Vaccines. The Dr will tell you who to go to and you will need to return to him after you talk to each person. First you need to go to the Marshton Trainer MrsMars. Second is MrsSitStay who is in the Marshton Feed Store. Third is MrDoubleZero who is outside the Marshton Smithy Building. Fourth is MrHammerPrice is in the auction house. Last is MrMarshSan in the Marshton Livery.
Quest: MissDragonFly's Malachite
Location: MissDragonFly's Home, Marshton
Person: MissDragon Fly
Reward: $30,000 and 100 Quest Points
MissDragonFly gives you $5,000 to pick up Malachite from MrRareStone in Sunshine village on Sunny Glade. Upon arriving at MrRarestone's and talking to him, he tells you he is out of malachite and gives you the key to his mine, which is on Rocky Isle. When you get to MrRareStone's mine, search inside the mine carts; there you will find the malachite. Return to MrRareStone with the malachite. He need $4,000 in payment for the malachite; don't forget the reciept. Take it back to Miss Dragonfly for your reward.
Quest: MissMillipede's Colletion Quest
Location: Marshton Pet Shop
Person: MissMillipede
Reward:$20,000 and 50 Quest Points
MissMillipede needs you to find 10 different bugs for her. The bugs can be found in pitcher plants all over the swamp Isles. You collect these the same way you pick up anything else in Horse Isle click on it and select search. Once you find 10 different bugs return to MissMillipede for your reward.
Quest: Mosquito Netting for MissFloss
Location: MarshTon Flower Shop
Person: MissFloss
Reward: $5,000 and 25 Quest Points
MissFloss needs you to pick up a Mosquito net from Marshton General store for her and gives you $500 to pay for the net. Talk to MrCyprusGrove for the net. Return to MissFloss with the net for your reward.
Quest: MrGlistening's Allergy Remedy
Location: MarshTon, Glistening Family Home
Person: MrGlistening
Reward: $20,000 and 50 Quest Points
MrGlistening needs all natural Shampoo and asks you to go to SilkyFur on Crater Moutain to get some for him. He gives you 1,000 for travel expenses. Silky fur needs you to get her some items in order to make the shampoo she needs
5 sunflowers
5 Vanilla beans (from jungle islands)
10 raspberries
3 yucca flowers (from desert Islands)
After brining her the items she will give you the shampoo take this back to MrGlistening.
Quest: MrGlistening's HummingBirds
Location: MarshTon, Glistening Family Home
Person: MrGlistening
Reward: $25,000 and 40 Quest Points
MrGlistening wants a Humingbird feeder and needs your help in getting one. Go to MissMillipede in the Marshton Pet shop then return to Mrglistening. He will send you off to MrsGoldFire who is upstairs in the Angleton inn. MrsGoldFire will make the feeder and needs you to pick it up from her in 30 minutes (real time). Take the feeder to MrGlistening then he tells you to get a bag of sugar and a special canteen of water the sugar comes from NarrowTon General and the canteen comes from MissMilipede in the Marshton Pet shop.
Quest: MrLongAcre's Lost Button
Location: Marsh
Person: MrOddMan
Reward: $3,000 and 25 Quest Points
MrLongAcre has lost his button and needs you to find it. Use your magnifying glass on the west torch by the "Listed Races" sign to find the button. Then return it to MrLongAcre.
Quest: MrOddMan's Dilema
Location: MrOddMan's House
Person: MrOddMan
Reward:12 Eggs and 25 Quest Points
MrOddMan believes his ducks are geese and you need to go to the library to get a book to prove that they are ducks not geese. Find the book by searching the bookcase shown below. Return to MrOddMan who refuses to believe that the "geese" are really ducks but will give you your reward.
Quest: MrPuissance's adornment
Location: MarshTon Arena Rank 1
Person: MrPuissance
Reward: $5,000 and 30 Quest Points
MrPuissance needs a barrette made of gold with an amber inset. He gives you $5,000 to cover the cost of materials. Go to TigerTon and talk to ProfHomeStrech in the TigerTon group 1 arena. He needs
5 gold nuggets
5 chunks of Iron
3 chunks of amber and $2,500
It will take him 2 hours real time to make the barrette return to MrPuissance with the finished barrette.
Quest: MrSaddleSoaps Saddle Blankets
Location: MarshTon Tack
Person: MrsBraider
Reward: $40,000 and 40 Quest Points
MrSaddleSoap wants 4 blankets (these may vary) they are level 5 crafted blankets so not many people can make them check ranch stores I was asked for Princess, Bubblegun, Peach Tree and Cotton Candy Saddle Blankets
Quest: New Bag pipes for LordFern
Location: MarshTon, City Hall
Person: LordFern
Reward: $35,000 and 50 Quest Points
LordFern needs parts for his bagpipes.
He Needs:
4 brass fitting these you get from MissSunfire in Meadowton bank she needs 8 copper nuggets and will take 1 real day to make them.
1 carved chanter and 3 carved drones SparLad in praire Dockhouse will make these he needs 3 logs and will take 2 real days to make them
1 piece of cloth (this is crafted using sewing
Return to LordFern when you have all of the items.
Quest: SirStratosphere's Nacreous Cloud
Location: MarshTon, Bank
Person: SirStratosphere
Reward: 5 gold chains and 8 sapphires and 100 Quest Points
SirStratosphere wants a Nacreous cloud in a bottle.Go to the MarshTon library and talk to the librarian she will suggest you try in Angleton Library. Go to AngleTon Library and talk to ProfReasoner she will tell you the book should be on the top shelf far left by the window in the second row. Search the shelves until you get the book it will go into your inventory. Go to the Angleton City Hall and talk to the Mayor she will tell you ProfHerringBone lives on Line Isle. Go to Line Isle and talk to the Dock master MrsTideWater she will tell you he keeps a key to his cabin in the garbage can outside. Go to the garbage can and click search you will get the key and now you can enter his cabin. Search the bed to find his binoculars then go to Crystal Isle and search the snowbank outside the hut to find the key. Go insite the hut to talk to ProfHerringBone. ProfHerringBone will ask you for a canteen of water and a jar of milk the water you get from the GlacierTon general store by talking to the shop keeper and milk is from MaedowTon General Store return to PrffHerringBone with these. Now ProffHearingBone wants you to get him a Yellow Barred Moth this can be found on Bog Isle just south of MrBraider there is a clickable milkweed plant (pink flowers) search it to find the moth wings. Return this back to ProffHerringBone and he will give you the cloud in a bottle to take to SirStratosphere.
Quest: StripedRailsLad Sets the Course
Location: MarshTon, Livery
Person: StripedRailsLad
Reward: $15,000 and 35 Quest Points
StripedRailsLad will ask you 9 question reffering to setting up a jumper course the questions vary for everyone so you will need to use google to find the answers.
Quest: The Braiders and the Swamp Monster Quest
Location: MarshTon Barber
Person: MrsBraider
Reward: $15,000 and 50 Quest Points
Mrs Braider would like you to find her Husband on Bog Isle. He has set out to find a Swamp Monster and she is starting to get worried about him. Go to Bog Isle And in the South area MrBraider is standing in front of a tree. MrBraider will tell you he thinks he's found the swamp Monster under a rock near him. Click on the rock and select search you will find a frog. After Talking to the Frog return to MrBraider and tell him what you found. MrBraider will consent to go home to his wife as soon as he gets all of his gear. Return to MrsBraider to tell her MrBraider will be returning home and get your reward.
Quest: The MarshTon Pony Club's Pumpkin Hunt
Location: MarshTon Livery
Person: HuntCapKins
Reward: $35,000, 5 pumpkins and 50 Quest Points
The Pony Club is hosting a pumpkin hunt this year and needs you to test out the clues to where the pumpkins are located. HuntCapKins, StripedRailsLad and TallBootskins all have ifferent clues that are on different Islands. I did HuntCapKins Clues which are all on Marshy
HuntCapKinsClues- all pumpkins are found using magnifying glass at the locations pictures
Riddle Me This
The Tree all the way to the west of the Isle. Your Coconuts!
I've always enjoyed playing coppers and robbers
Did someone dispose of a rotten pumpkin, you can bank on it!
Don't Loose your marbles looking for this one
After finding all the pumpkins return to who you got your clue's from for the reward
Quest: The Wrong Birthday Present
Location: MarshTon Barber
Person: MrCircleSon
Reward: $20,000, 3 sapphires and 85 Quest Points
MrCircleSon has planned a birthday scavenger hunt for his daughter but wants you to swtch the cacoons he has hidden with dubloons. First go to the MarshTon general store and read the pad on the Table that will give you the first clue. The clue will send you off to Baskerville a dog that lives on Bog Isle you will need to grab the giant fly trap to get into his area.
Talking to Baskeville will give you the next clue that send you to Narrowed and you will need to dig in the Middle of the Island.
The Next clue Spells out MissNetter in Morse code so go to MissNetter on Narrowed she will give you the next clue which is written in Hieroglyphics. Go to Narrowed Library and Talk to ProfBookBinder who will tell you they don't have a book like that. So go to Marshton Library and talk to MrsNebbish then search the bookshelf by the timeline. The next clue send you to the Western Abandoned shack in the southern part of Narrowed. Use your magnifying glass in the upper left corner of the building and return to MrCircleSon
Quest: MrSwampRat's Peculiar Parcel
Location: Pitcher Dockhouse
Person: MrSwampRat
Reward: $8,000 and 30 Quest Points
MrSwampRat needs you to pick up his pracel from NotMeFins on Crater Isle. Go to Crater and convince NotMeFins to give you the parcel and return to MrSwampRat with it.
Quest: CandyLass' Unicorn
Location: Center of Swampy Isle
Person: CandyLass
Reward: $15,000 and 30 Quest Points
Candy Lass wants a unicorn horn for her horse. It needs to be about a foot long made of copper and Hollow. Go to LordSteel on Barren Isle he agres to make you the horn if you give him 10 copper. It will take him 1 real hour to make the horn once it is done pick it up and take the horn to LadyLanyard on Marsh so she can put leather straps on it. Once LadyLanyard is done take the horn to CandyLass