Plains Island

Plains Island

Quest: Dyes for MadamTriangle

Location:  PlainTon, Plains Island

Person: MadamTriangle's House

Difficulty: Novice, Intermediate or Advanced ... Which?

Reward: $15,000 and 30 Quest Points

MadamTriangle would like you to get some dyes for her. She needs the primary colors. These are player made, so you can either make them yourself or buy them from a ranch store, if you have a sub.

***NOTE*** Sometimes dyes are available at a few of the General Stores, when a player has sold them their's after making some.


Quest: EbonyIvorySan's Music Quiz

Location: EbonyIvorySan's Home

Person: EbonyIvorySan

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $5,000, 25 quest points

Q: The Oboe, Clarinet and the Bassoon are all examples of what wind Instrument?

    A: Wood

Q: How many strings are on a violin?

    A:  four

Q: A group of four musicians is called what?

    A: Quartet

Q: How many sharps are in the Key of D

    A: two

Q: When a piece of music is to be played piano, it is to be played how?

    A: softly

Q: If a piece of music is written in three-quarter time, how many beats are there to a measure?

    A: 3

Q: The low steady tone produced by bagpipes, as an accompaniment to the melody, is called a what?

    A: drone

Q: The xylophone and the tympani are examples of what kind of instrument?

    A: Percussion

Q:  The song “Row, Row, Row, your boat” when sung with multiple people not all starting at the same time, is an example of what kind of song?

    A: Round

Q: The lowest singing voice is called what?

    A: Bass


Quest: Fuzzy's Favorite Food

Location:  PlainTon Livery, PlainTon

Person: LongManeLad

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $5,000, 5 apple treats and 35 quest points

LongManLad is trying to figure out Fuzzy's favorite food so he needs you to pick up 3 horse food items 1 carrot, 1 red apple, and 1 bag of sweet oats (this is crafted). Bring these back to him then he asks you to feed them to Fuzzy and watch his ears to see what he likes. Fuzzy is the black horse in the North east corner of the livery. Talk to him and give him each of his treats. Return to LongManeLad to tell him how this went (fuzzy liked the apple best for me)


Quest: Flowers for City Hall

Location:  PlainTon City Hall, PlainTon

Person: DrStrongHeart

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $4,000 and 25 quest points

DrStrongHeart asks you to gather 4 dozen flowers to liven the City Hall for a town meeting. You need to gather 24 White Daisies and 24 Red Roses for DrStrongHeart and return them to her.

***NOTE*** Red roses have at least a 2 hour growing time. [LOOK] at them before you pick them. Evidently, they also can be picked as rose buds, but that is NOT what THIS quest requires. So we reiterate, PLEASE  [LOOK]  at the flower to determine what stage it is at before [PICK]ing them.


Quest: Ink for MrPenMan

Location: MrPenMan's Home, PlainTon

Person: MrPenMan

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $2,500 and 25 quest points

MrPenMan is about to run out of ink, and he is woring on an inportant order. He would like you to get the ink he needs from the General Store and bring it back to him for your reward.


Quest: KaolinSon's Lunch

Location: Pottery Studio, PlainTon

Person: KaolinSon

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $2,000 and 35 quest points

KaolinSon has forgotten his lunch. He asks you to go to the General Store and pick up 2 apples and a mug of tea for him. When you agree, he gives you $500 to help cover the costs of the lunch. He also asks you to put the lunch in the barrel outside the studio, and then to let him know. Get his lunch from the store and return to the studio. Outside to the left is a barrel. Use your shovel to pry the top open and hide the lunch there. Return to KaolinSon and let him know.



Quest: LadyWaffler's Spaghetti Pot

Location: LadyWaggler's Home, PlainTon

Person: LadyWaffler

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $4,000 and 25 quest points

LadyWaffler asks you to find out if her new Spaghetti Pot that she ordered from MrHammerStrike at the PlainTon Blacksmith shop is ready. MrHammerStrike tells you it was ready yesterday, but he got busy and asks you to make the delivery for him. Take the pot back to  LadyWaffler for her thanks and your reward.


Quest: LordTerraCotta's Shells 

Location:  LordTerraCotta's  Home, PlainTon

Person: LordTerraCotta

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $8,000 and 45 quest points

LordTerraCotta would like you to get some shells for him. Go to the western most part of the island and use your rake. You will get some shells and a message that their may be more North east. move a little Northeast and rake again and you should get more shells (the second set of shells may be optional). return to LordTerraCotta



Quest: MadamTriangle's Cotton

Location: MadamTriangles Home, PlainTon

Person: MadamTriangle

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $4,000 and 25 quest points

Madam Triangle in PlainTon needs 15 cotton bolls. (I found my cotton on Lance and Savanna Isles.) Return to her with 15 bolls of cotton for your reward. 


Quest: MadamTriangle's Quilting Supplies

Location:  Plains Island, PlainTon, MadamTriangle's Home

Person: MadamTriangle

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $40,000 and 40 Quest Points

MadamTriangle is in need of a number of items to fill out her quilting supplies. When you accept, she gives you a copy of her:

"Quilting Supply List"

30 cotton bolls

2 pieces of felt

4 Bolts of cloth

6 spools of thread

2 cloth ribbons

Collect all the items she needs and return with them to MadamTriangle.


Quest: MissLonePine's Loofahs

Location: Plainton Inn

Person: MissLonePine

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:  $5,000 and 25 quest points

MissLonePine wants 3 Loofah gourds. She gives you $1,000 with which to buy the loofahs. They can be bought from MadamSuds on Banana Isle. Return them to MissLonePine for your reward.



Quest: MrHammerStrike's Shell

Location: Blacksmith (Ferrier), PlainTon

Person: MrHammerStrike

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $5,000 and 25 quest points

MrHammerStrike is the PlainTon smithy. He needs shells. You can find these by searching under flotsam along any beach throughout Horse Isle.


Quest: MrGloss's Glossy Coats

Location: PlainTon Livery Stable (Groomer)

Person: MrGloss

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $7,000 and 30 quest points

MrGloss is the PlainTon Groomer. He needs 5 sunflowers, 5 mint plants, and a jar of cedar oil. The sunflowers grow in the plains and meadows of the Plains Islans. The Mint Plants are available from the General store, and the Jar of Cedar Oil is available form SparLad on Prairie Isle. He is located at the NW shoreline in a boat house. Get all the items for MrGloss and return them to him.



Quest: MrFineWares' Delivery

Location: PlainTon General Store, PlainTon

Person: MrFineWares

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $1,500 and 25 quest points

MrFineWares asks you to deliver groceries to MrGreenGeltSan at the bank.Take the Sack of Groceries to MrGreenGeltSan and put them on the counter for him. Return to MrFineWares to complete the quest.



Quest: ProfDelver's New Shoes

Location: Library, PlainTon

Person: ProfDelver

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:$2,000 and 25 Quest points

ProfDelver's shoes are beginning to squeak and she would like you to pick up her new ones from the clothing store. Pick up the new shoes and return them to Prof Delver.


 Quest: Quilts for the Snow Isle’s 

Location: PlainTon, MadamTriangle's Home 

Person: MadamTriangle 

Difficulty: Intermediate 

Reward: 10,000 and 30 qp 

She needs you to deliver quilts to the snow Isle Dockhouses, skipping snowflake isle. 





Ice Cube 


Return the Payments to Madam Triangle.


Quest: SirCamelHair's Portrait

Location: PlainTon Barber Shop, PlainTon

Person: BouffantKins

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $3,000 and 25 quest points

SirCamelHair has just completed a painting of BouffantKin's parrot. He asks you to deliver the painting and collect the $6,000 that she owes him for it. Take the painting of Jester to BouffantKin at the barber shop, collect the money she owes and return to  SirCamelHair.



Quest: Sissors for BouffantKins

Location: SirCamelHair's Home Art Studio, PlainTon

Person: SirCamelHair

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $3,000 and 25 quest points

BouffantKins needs her scissors. She asks you to retrieve them for her from MrHammerStrike. Get them and return them to BouffantKins for your reward.


Quest: TeddyBear's New Bandana

Location: Veterinarian, PlainTon

Person: TeddyBear

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $3,000 and 25 quest points

TeddyBear is the dog inside the Vet building talk to him and you will notice his bandanna is falling apart. Talk to DrEquineSan and she will ask you to go to MadamTriangle to get a new bandanna and gives you $3,000 for the cost. MadamTriangle doesn't charge you anything for the bandanna. Take the new bandanna back to the Vet and she will tell you to keep what she gave you to cover the cost.



Quest: SquallSan's Lost Ring

Location: Droplet Dock

Person: SquallSan

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $6,,000 and 25 quest points

SquallSan's has lost her ring. Go rake in the south west corner of the beach near 2 pieces of driftwood that has flotsam and Jetsam near it. Return the ring to SquallSan for your reward



Quest: The Adventures of MrsMystery

Location: Dockhouse

Person: MrsMystery (the dockhouse cat)

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: Gold Sapphire Necklace and 35 quest points

MrsMystery has lost her toy mouse and would like you to find it. She tells you it's somewhere on Circle Isle.

Go to Circle Isle and use your magnifying glass on the logs outside the dockhouse.

That gives you a clue to search near the Oak Tree

Next is near the log north of the tree

Then to the Northwest near the dead Honey tree

Then to the south near the rocks

Return to  MrsMystery with her toy.


Prairie Isle

Quest: Pears for PeonyBop

Location: PeonyBop's House Prairie Isle

Person: PeonyBop

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 5 potatoes, 5 corn, 5 beets, 5 honeycombs and 25 quest points

PeonyBop needs 10 pears for her horses. Return them to her for your reward.


Quest: MerryDownsBop's Roses

Location:  MerryDownsBop's House Prairie Isle

Person: MerryDownsBop

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 10,000 and 25 quest points

MerryDownsBop needs special soil for her roses and wants you to go get it. Go to Big Forest and dig between a log and a dead tree near the south end of the Island.

Savanna Island

Quest: MrsMainSail's Missing Crab

Location: Dockhouse, Svanna Island

Person: MrsMainSail

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:$2,000 and 25 Quest Points

MrsMainSail is in the Savanna Isle Dockhouse. When you talk to MrsMainSail, she tells you she is worried about her hermit crab, who has gone missing. She is unable to go out and look for him as she has company coming, so she would like you to look for him. Leave the dockhouse; use your rake on the Northeast corner of the dockhouse, and you should come up with Buddy, the crab, in not much time at all. Return him to MrsMainSail inside the dockhouse, and she will give you your reward.


Quest: NauticalLass's Collection

Location: Lighthouse Savanna Island

Person: NauticalLass

Reward: 5,000 and 25 Quest Points

NauticalLass needs 5 glass floats. Rake logs on the Savannah Isle beach front. Then return to  NauticalLass.


Sunny Glade

Quest: LilLuneLass' French Quiz

Location:  MadamFromage's Cabin, Sunny Glade

Person: LilLuneLass

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $6,000 and 25 quest points

LilLune lass will give you a french quiz the answers are different but the answers are on the yellow notebook on the table and you can have it open on your screen at the same time as your talking to her.


Quest: LilLuneLass' First Astronomy Quiz

Location:  MadamFromage's Cabin, Sunny Glade

Person: LilLuneLass

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $12,000 and 35 quest points

1. Soleil

2. Mercure

3. Venus

4. Terre

5. Mars

6. Jupiter

7. Saturne

8. Uranus

9. Neptune

10. Pluton


Quest: LilLuneLass' Second Astronomy Quiz

Location:  MadamFromage's Cabin, Sunny Glade

Person: LilLuneLass

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $20,000 and 45 quest points

1. Zero

2. Un

3. Jupiter

4. Neptune

5. Mars

6. Zero

7. Saturne

8. Uranus

9. Jupiter

10. Quatre

Bonus Question: Mercure worth and extra 2,500


Quest: LordChime's Clock Delivery

Location:  LordChime's Cabin, Sunny Glade

Person: LordChime

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $5,000 and 25 quest points

LordChime needs you to deliver a clock to the City Hall in AngleTon. When you get there, speak to ProfMarathon; he gives you payment for the clock in an envelope to bring back to LordChime.


Quest: LordChime's Lessons

Location:  LordChime's Cabin, Sunny Glade

Person: LordChime

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $10,000 and 35 quest points

After a lengthy discussion, you agree to reset the master clock for LordChime. On the clock, second one to his left (click on it and choose [FIX]), you carefully locate the hidden latch to open the clock and carefully reset the time to match your own watch.

Then, you agree to find a tutor to teach LordChimes how to tell time. LilLuneLass in MadameFormage's cabin agrees to tutor LordChimes. Return to LordChimes with the news and to receive your reward.


Quest: MissTurnRound's Delivery

Location:  MissTurnRound's house, Sunny Glade

Person: MissTurnRound

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $8,000 and 25 quest points

MissTurnRound needs you to deliver wagon wheels to MissGreenSod and MrWagonWheel. Both are wagon masters on Prairie Isle. Delivery the Wheels and return to MissTurnRound.


Quest: PierSon's Catnip

Location: Dockhouse, Sunny Glade

Person: PierSon

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $5,000 and 25 quest points

PierSon wants 9 catnip plants. Gather them and return them to him for your reward.


Quest: The Case Of The Purloined Scarab

Location: The RareStone Home, Sunny Glade

Person: Mrs Rarstone

Difficulty: Master

Reward: $50,000 and 90 quest points

Mrs RareStone's Scarab gem has gone missing; she would like you to start looking for clues in her home. Use your magnifying glass around her table and you will find a shoe string.  Talk to MrsRareStone and show her the shoe string; she suggests you talk to her neighbors. You must talk to all of her neighbors who tell you about an Elfin they had seen. Return to MrsRareStone and tell her what her neighbors told you. Mrs Rarestone then suggests you go in search of information about the shoe lace you found. Go to PlainTon Clothing store and you will be told that MrRiata gave her a batch of show strings like that. MrRiata tells you that he sold the Shoe Strings to TigerTon General store. Go to TigerTon General store to find out a group of kids hung out at the tree house east of town go to the tree house and look for clues using your Magnifying glass. You will find a shoelace, cinnamon and a sequoia leaf which are found on Twin Rivers Isle. Talk to WhatMeWorryFins on Twin rivers he is east of Washington village he will tell you a child was trying to set up an elfin as the culprit. Go to Angled Isle and talk to ProseLass who is upstairs in the LongStory home. Her and her sister will talk about how they won't be perfect criminals and suggest ShortStoryLad had something to do with it. Talk to ShortStoryLad on the main floor of their house to get the scarab back then return it to MrsRareStone for your reward.


Twin Rivers

Quest: A Daisy Chain for FlowerFur

Location:  FlowerFur's Hut, Far east side near river, Twin Rivers

Person: FlowerFur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 20 Silver Nuggets, 2 Tanzanites and 25 Quest points

FlowerFur wants 12 white daisies (purple just won't do). Gather or buy the daisies and return them to FlowerFur.


Quest: AppleFur's Aesthetic Armory

Location:  Twin Rivers Isle, Grant Village, AppleFur's Treehouse in the Southern tree house area

Person: AppleFur

Difficulty: Novice, Intermediate or Advanced ... Which?

Reward: 12 assorted gems and 50 Quest Points

AppleFur wants to create what she refers to as an "Aesthetic Armory" for her house, but she needs a few things to do it. She wants some candles crafted for her and mentions a "nice lady who makes candles." She needs a dustpan and mentions "a carpenter somewhere." She also wants a brush, mentioning "somebody who makes brooms." 

AppleFur isn't as particular about deliveries as some of the other island inhabitants. You can deliver  her items as you receive them --one at a time-- or all of them together --at the same time-- if you perfer. The choice is your's.

You learn that the "nice lady who makes candles" is LadyChandler, who lives on Windy Pines Isle off Narrowed Island. When you visit her, she tells you that she'll require 10 honeycombs and 10 pinches of colorful dust in order to make the candles. The honeycombs obviously come from bee hives, so be careful not to get stung too much. The colorful dust, on the other hand, is foraged from some of the various leafy islands. Take the combs and dust to her as soon as you can after you collect all of them because you're going to have to wait for her to make the candles, which might be a good time to hunt out "a carpenter somewhere."

You learn that this carpenter, who actually makes dustpans, is MissNailDown. She can be located in the lighthouse on Dumbbell Isle. She charges you $250 for the dustpan and requires time to make it, so you'll have pay her and then return to her after the allotted time to receive it.

In the meantime, you hear that "somebody who makes brooms" is MrWithies, who just happens to live on Dumbbell Isle too, makes brushes as well. So trot on over and have a chat with him. He will charge you $1,000 for the brush... AND Yes, just like the others, he will have it available for you after he's made it (which means more waiting time.)

So you might want to have lunch, or just twiddle your thumbs for a bit till all of your items are made, and then start collecting them for AppleFur.

When you have everything (if you haven't already turned some over to her), take all the items to AppleFur for your reward.


Quest: BerryFur's Berries

Location: BerryFur's Hut, Grant Village Twin Rivers

Person: BerryFur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 24 Pearls and 25 Quest points

BerryFur wants 12 each of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, huckleberries and rasberries return with these to BerryFur for your rewards


Quest: DoubleDareFin's Practical Jokes

Location: DoubleDareFin's Tree near Grant Village

Person: DoubleDareFin

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $50,000 and 50 Quest points

DoubleDarefin's needs you to collect some Items for him. You will be running all over the islands for them. They are:

Return to him when you have everything for your reward


Quest: DoubleDareFin's Series of Unfortunate Events

Location: DoubleDareFin's Tree near Grant Village

Person: DoubleDareFin

Prerequisite:  DoubleDareFin's Practical Jokes

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $35,000 and 50 quest points

DoubleDareFin would like you to deliver his pratical jokes which end up helping the people you deliver them to and frustrating DoubleDareFin. Return to him after each deliverey to get the next one.

Spider goes to FixItLass on Marshy at the tool shop

Snowball goes to CanyoneSon on desert at the wagon

Banana peel goes to MerryDownBop's house on Prairie

Pyrite goes to GiddySmurl on Leaf

Prickly pear goes to CoiffureKin's on Glacierton at the barber shop

Bugs go to MrsWaterLine on PondIsle in the dockhouse

Return to DoubleDareFin one more time to get your reward.


Quest: FuzzyFur's Red Decor

Location: Fuzzy Fur's Hut, President Village, Twin Rivers

Person: FuzzyFur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:3 pieces of Turquoise, 3 chunks of Pyrite and 25 Quest points

FuzzyFur would like you to get three red roses, red feathers, and rubies return with these for your reward.


Quest: Honey For HoneyFur

Location: HoneyFur's Hut, Washington Village, Twin River Island

Person: HoneyFur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:50 pine cones, 5 iridescent feathers and 25 quest points.

HoneyFur wants 3 honeycombs give them to her for your reward.


Quest: PineConeFur's Pie

Location: PinConeFur's Hut, President Village, Twin River Island

Person: PinConeFur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 3 diamonds 10 silver nuggets and 40 quest points.

 PineConeFur wants you to get her supplies to make a Pine nut Pie. She needs 75 pine nuts, 2 eggs, a small bag of flour, and a Pie Crust.


Quest: SleekFur's Message

Location: SleekFur's Hut, President Village, Twin Rivers Island

Person: Sleek Fur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:4 beets, 4 bags of flour, 4 packets of yeast, 2 eggplants, 4 pieces of cloth, 25 pinches of salt and 25 quest points

SleekFur needs you to deliver a message to WistFur on Crater Mountain. Wistfur has a return message for SleekFur, so return to him with the message and get your reward.


Quest: Squinter Goes A-Courting

Location: Twin Rivers, KnotHoleSquinter’s tree

Person: KnotHoleSquinter

Reward: $75,000, a blue and white halter and 90 qp

KnotHoleSquinter would like you to get one of each kind of necklace that does not have gold in it.

Pearl Necklace

Shell Necklace

Turquoise Necklace

Amber Necklace

Agate Necklace

Quartz Necklace

Carnelian Necklace

Tourmaline Necklace

Beryl Necklace

Silver Ruby Necklace

Silver Amethyst Necklace

Silver Topaz Necklace

Silver Sapphire Necklace

Silver Tanzanite

Silver Diamond

Silver Emerald 

Once you have all of the necklaces return to KnotHoleSquinter. To find out his girlfriend does not like the necklaces. He will send you to the DryTon Rock Shop to have them molded into one necklace. Wait 6 real hours after going to the rock shop. You will get back a big necklace and 6 silver chains that he did not use. Return this to KnotHoleSquinter. His girlfriend thinks the new necklace is too gaudy.

Now, he sends you for a decoder ring. Go to the MissGemstones house in AngleTon and talk to MissOpalGemstone. She tells you to search for a ring in the drawers at the end of the hallway upstairs. 

Return to KnotHoleSquinter. His girlfriend likes that ring, and he gives you the fancy necklace. Take it back to DryTon Rock Shop and sell it to the guy who made it. He gives you the reward


Quest: VelvetFur's Delivery

Location: Velvet Fur's hut Washington Village

Person: Velvet Fur

Difficulty: Novice

Reward:10 pieces Obsidian and 25 quest points

VelvetFur would like you to deliver a wood carving to His friend Honeyfur she lives two trees to the east of VelvetFur. Give HoneyFur the wood carving to HoneyFur and she will ask you tell thank you to her friend. Return to VelveteFur for your reward.


Windy Pines

Quest: Fertilizer for MissDahlia

Location: Windy Pines, MissDahlia's Cabin

Person: MissDahlia

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: $3,000 and 25 quest points

MissDahlia asks you to pick up a bag of fertilizer from the NarrowTon Livery Stable. She gives you $300 to pay for it. Go to the livery stable. Buy the fertilizer and return to MissDahlia for your reward.


Quest: LieWick's Mad Libs

Location:  Windy Pines - Chandler Family Home, Windswept Village

Person: LieWick 

Difficulty: Intermediate

Reward: $8,000 and 25 Quest Points

Just fill in the blanks to create a Mad Lib.

***NOTE*** Apparently, there are no wrong answers.


Quest: MissDahlia's Missing Supplies

Location: Windy Pines, MissDahlia's Cabin

Person: MissDahlia

Difficulty: Novice

Reward: 10 red roses and 25 quest points

MissDahlia is missing some floral supplies and asks you to help her find them. Go to the Chandler Family Cabin next door and talk to the children (they are upstairs). The girl hints that the Floral Foam is in the garbage can. The boy hints that the Stem Tape is in the watering can. Return to MissDahlia and talk to her for your reward.
