Hindman Convention 1896

September 1896

Jeffersonian Democrat

Hindman Convention 1896

September 25, 1896 will be a memorable day, among the Hindmans. The occasion was the holding of a Hindman convention at the residence of Mr. Crawford Hindman near Corsica, Pennsylvania. No more appropriate place could of been chosen for the purpose. It is the residence of the oldest one of the name living and the place itself, on the hillside with gentle slope, with its elegant lawn and beautiful grove of pines admirably arranged and seated for the convenience and comfort of the guests, is all that could be asked.

The day was an ideal one and the people gathered en masse. The register showed 260 present and there were some whose names were not secured. Probably 300 people including the little folks were in attendance. Among those from a distance were Rev. and Mrs. Dr. J. S. Elder and Mrs. Frank Hindman of Clarion, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hughes of Punxsutawney, Miss Blanche Hindman of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mrs. Rev. H. W. Hogs of Oxford, England, Dr. C. C. and A. M. Hindman of DuBois, Worth Hindman of New Bethlehem, David Hindman of Reidsburg, the Works of Red Cliff, and the Waddings of Knoxdale. After refreshments were served which were abundant and delicious, and even John McCauly and John S. Barr were compelled to acknowledge they could eat no more, the convention was called to order and a brief program of exercises was observed. There were addresses of a historical reminiscent character made by Mr. Crawford Hindman, Rev. Dr. Elder and the pastor. The substance of the historical address will be given below. Letters of regret were read from Hon. Frank R. Hindman of Clarion, now resting and recruiting health among the forests and along the lake shores of Canada, Prof. J. A. Richey of Kittanning, Thomas Hindman of Hutchinson, Kansas, J. and A. L. Leech of Indiana, Pa., and several others. Recitations grave and humorous were rendered to the delight of those present by Misses Blanche, Mary and Annie Hindman of DuBois, Prof. S. C. Wadding, Principal of the Falls Creek schools and Master Clair Hindman of Clarion. The latter was encored, and we stop to remark that his father who has been winning laurels everywhere on the Lecture platform will need to bestir himself even with the high mark he has taken when Claire may assume the role of lecturer. An address of greeting in behalf of neighbors was given by Anna Britt. Mrs. H. W. Hogg who has been a missionary in Egypt entertained the audience by singing a psalm in the Arabic, the language in use by the people among whom she has been working. The benediction was given by Rev. Dr. Purdy, Pastor of the Baptist Church of Corsica. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in conversation; and the flow of thought, wit and anecdote and the hearty expressions of good feeling were subjects of remark on all sides. And when the people came to go home it was with most cordial expressions of gratitude and appreciation to the host and his family and the convention committee who had exerted themselves to the utmost to minister to the enjoyment of all present that they said goodbye for they all realized that they had spent a day whose memories would be exceedingly pleasant to cherish.

The statement was made during the exercises that the Hindmans are all Democrats but one and that they are all were going to vote for Bryan except Robert Summerville. This latter statement, however, Robert denies. It is not generally known that the Hindmans are related to the Bryans, and ought to vote for the "Boy Orator of the Platte".

Also read the Hindman History companion piece from the same issue of the Jeffersonian Democrat.

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