Handoffs More than Information Transfer

Post date: Nov 9, 2011 6:32:45 AM

Patient handoffs in hospitals involve more than information transfer. There is also a handoff of responsibility and control along with resilience that is embodied in the handoff routine according to a new article:

Hilligoss, B. & Cohen, M.D. (2011) 'Hospital Handoffs as Multifunctional Situated Routines: Implications for Researchers and Administrators', In: J.D. Blair & M.D. Fottler (eds.), Biennial Review of Health Care Management, (pp. 91-132), Emerald Group, Vol. 11.

The authors note that standardization (e.g., EMR/EHR) is the most common approach to improve handoffs but "introduce new sources of error (e-iatrogenesis) and eliminate established error-catching capabilities." It is a very careful literature review that characterizes the handoff on two dimensions: multi-functionality and situatedness. A thought provoking piece that probably can be applied to other handoff routines like e-prescribing, hospital discharge, and ambulatory care coordination.