Call For Paper - 2nd International Workshop on Organizational Design and Engineering

Post date: Jan 21, 2010 9:40:55 AM

** Paper submission deadline extended until 01Jun10 **

The Second International Workshop on Organizational Design and Engineering (IWODE10) aims to advance research and practice in Organizational Design and Engineering (ODE) by bringing together individuals who work to bridge the gap between organizational design and engineering of information systems. I attended the first IWODE and now on the Program Committee for this second one.

Healthcare exemplifies the challenges of ODE where medical professionals exhibit great degrees of interpretive flexibility and the design of healthcare organizations reflects such variations. Yet healthcare information systems are designed for significantly less variations. The information systems community has struggled with the adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) even though business processes are arguably better defined than those in healthcare. For more details see the IWODE10 CFP I wrote for AIS SIGHealth.

IWODE10 will be in London on December 9-10. An attractive location has been chosen just a 10 minute walk from the London School of Economics

I found the workshop format particularly valuable in gaining an overall perspective of ODE and got significant feedback to guide my own work. We had a set of presentations followed by an hour long discussion led by a panel who had read the papers in advance. In addition to the opportunity to exchange views with colleagues interested in ODE, IWODE10 plans to explore innovative academic propositions which would benefit from representation by those in the healthcare IS community.

For more information look at the call for papers or the IWODE10 website. You can also contact me for additional information. My email can be found on my university website faculty page (sorry for the indirect route - trying to avoid spam). Here is the link to my CV.