Detroit Tool Co.

Post date: 21-Sep-2017 03:27:23

Robin is looking for a hand wheel and information on this combination,  anvil, vice and blower. If you can help Robin please reply to by phone or email through Contact Details above.

This is a combination blacksmiths anvil, vice and blower that recently came out from the Uk, made by the Detroit Tool Co., 26" long x 6.5" wide x 9.5" high and weighing in at about 25 kilos.  I am chasing any information regarding this company and the combination machine, and also a  spare hand wheel to replace the one that is missing for the blower unit, this would have been about 6.5" in diameter to match the existing wheel that is on the vice. In this case, any wheel of about that size will do, I can get it machined to fit and it would be nice to see it complete again. I have the book, " Anvils In America " and while this shows similar units, it does not show this particular type.