
Post date: 28-Oct-2016 21:47:11

It’s All In The Story

How many times do we wonder if only the tools could talk. Recently we were donated some very plain well used and mostly ordinary every day tools that belonged to their Grandfather-Frazer Paterson Henderson 1894 to 1963

Frazer, from Scottish parents was an apprentice carpenter in Kalgoorlie/ Boulder before enlisting with the AIF in October 1915 and served with the 4th and 15th Field engineers. Whilst fighting in Marseilles he was wounded  and returned to battle on two occasions ,was returned to England  and repatriated with” debility” in 1918 and discharged in 1919.

He returned to WA and worked on a family orchard , was married in 1920 ,Worked for DJ Chipper and Son as a coffin maker and eventually joined his brother in partnership as a contract builder  where they went on to build many Gov't buildings and  houses . When the depression hit he returned to Kalgoorlie and worked for the North Kalgurlie Mine as a carpenter whilst endeavouring to repay loans for business debts. After 4 years he returned to Perth and continued his coffin making trade but now for CH Smith And Co in Newcastle street. Suffering from financial hardships, still repaying loans , they relocated several times around Perth to rental houses, eventually settling and building the family home in Daglish. He also made much of the family furniture for the immediate and extended family. This was one of his favourite pastimes.

Having experienced two of the most significant events in our history being WW1 and the depression  no doubt took its toll as he had his fair share of financial and medical hardships. He passed away in in 1963 and his tools remained and were no doubt used by Frazer’s family until now.

Are the tools of collectible significance –Not Really

 Should they be preserved –YES!!      because----- what a story they can tell!

(This brief history was written  by Nigel with information  from papers and documents supplied by the  family )