She lives on the street, owns no possessions, and she’s finally happy. No, she is not homeless. She has an apartment with a husband and a son, and until recently she had a job as a high school teacher. This first-person novel chronicles how she ended up living voluntarily on the streets, after being falsely accused of molestation by one of her students.


"Not often does a book catch me so off guard, expecting another tepid drink, but then a surprise – a fine wine. I strongly identify with Hana Goldberg’s writing, with her world view, the fresh language, the way in which she observes detail, her unusual metaphors, the humanization of inanimate objects, everything actually..." PhD Aviva Broshi.

"A wonderful book! Reading it hurts yet is so wonderful! Brave writing that touches you deeply.‎" Dalik Voliniz, Israeli channel 1 television network (IBA)‎

"It’s been a long time since I read a book that fascinated me so much from beginning to end, a book that I enjoyed surrendering to, leaving all of my duties and other pleasures behind. I opened SLANDER just to check it out, closed it sometime in the middle of the night, and in the morning I finished it lustfully." Yael Vered, Steimatzky