Paperback edition corrections and additions

Last updated: 31st May 2024

Corrections and additions made to the hardback first edition are noted on the Page of Hardback Corrections.

Those affecting the paperback edition (as well as the hardback) are noted on this page. I am grateful to Pierre Petitmengin, Teunis van Lopik, Grantley McDonald, Anna Persig, Jean Rittmueller, Steven Avery, Claire Clivaz, Nicholas Zola and Ralph O'Connor for bringing some of the corrections below to my attention. Please let me know of any others by email.


p. 4 (image 1). The Fleury referred to in the book is not Fleury d'Aude, which is the Fleury indicated indicated on the map, but Fleury-sur-Loire, which is close to Orléans.

p. 22, bottom line. page 228 ] page 210

p. 48. the Gospel of Thomas (AP-E Tho) ] the Infancy Gospel of Jesus

p. 52. Armentarii ] Armamentarii

p. 56, lines 4–5. Delete the phrases "written on 2 May 546" and "then brought into line with the text of Jerome's revised version and".

p. 56, line 11. For "the sources" read "the relevant gospels".

p. 56, end of paragraph 1. Delete the sentence:  "The omission of 1 Corinthians 14:34–35 appears to have been an oversight, as these verses are added in the margin by the first hand." (The description on p. 174 is correct.)

p. 56, note 33. Read "a partial text".

p. 62, line 21. codibus ] codicibus

p. 78, line 19. A.VII.7 ] A.VII.3

p. 100, line 12. Holland ] the bishopric of Liège (now Belgium)

p. 120, lines 19–20.  based on comparison with a Greek witness ] based on comparison with a Greek witness or through internal adjustments to the Latin 

p. 132, 4 lines from bottom: eight editions up to 1957 ] eleven editions up to 1992.

p. 135. second book of Prolegomena ... volume 3.2 ] third book of Prolegomena ... volume 3.3

p. 136, 4 lines from bottom. VgOr O  ] VgOcr

p. 177, line 10. 1959 ] 1955

p. 177, line 17. and ... James ] delete this clause, as T is hardly attested in James.

p. 196, 4 lines from bottom. For "In VL 1 and VL 13, it is recorded that Mark ends ‘happily’ (explicit feliciter; in VL 13 this is written in Greek letters; see also Philippians in VL 89)" read "In VL 13, it is recorded that Mark ends ‘happily’ (explicit feliciter, written in Greek letters; see also Philippians in VL 89). In VL 1, Matthew begins 'happily' (incipit felici[ci]ter)."

p. 220. VL 17. Belsheim 1885 ] Belsheim 1885b.

p. 230. VL 43. the Gospels of Thomas and Nicodemus ] the Infancy Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Nicodemus

p. 241. VL 70. The link to the online images is now

p. 244. VL 77. The following portions are missing: Romans 1:1b–5a, 2:16b–25a, 8:1b, 14:24ff (probably including the doxology); 1 Corinthians 3:8–16, 6:7–14; Colossians 2:1b–8a; Philemon 21–25. 

p. 274. The shelfmark for VgOc O should be Laud. lat. 43; this is the same as the following entry (VgOr O), so ideally the two entries should be merged as VgOcr O, and the observation "Only cited for Revelation in the Oxford Vulgate" deleted.

p. 275. Q: for "There are initial canon tables; each Gospel is preceded by prefaces and capitula (KA I); lists of Hebrew names are given for Matthew and Luke", read "The manuscript begins with canon tables, followed by lists of chapters (breues causae; KA I) and prefaces for each book, along with a list of Hebrew names in Luke."

p. 297. Aalders, G.J.M. ] Aalders, G.J.D. (twice)

p. 305. Chapman, H.J. (1933) ] Chapman, H.J. (1932

p. 325. Add: Belsheim, J. (1885b). Codex Vindobonensis membranaceus purpureus literis argenteis aureisque scriptus: antiquissimae evangeliorum Lucae et Marci translationis latinae fragmenta. Leipzig: Weigel.

p. 332. The title for Petzer 1991b should be: "St Augustine and the Latin Version of Acts".

p. 344, line 10. 1951 ] 1954

p. 356. Gospel of Thomas ] Infancy Gospel of Jesus (according to Thomas)


p. 5. For further discussion about the significance of libri et epistulae Pauli (and the suggestion that libri may refer to the Acts of the Apostles or the Acts of Paul) see Candida Moss, Ancient Christian Martyrdom. New Haven: Yale UP, 2012, p. 126. In the same place, Moss also concludes that the Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs is a literary work rather than a court transcript and so dates after the year 180.

p. 65. On the Virtutes Apostolorum, see now E. Rose (2013) 'Abdias scriptor vitarum sanctorum apostolorum?' Revue d'histoire des textes 8: 227–268.

p. 85, note 4. 'r' in the margin of a text can mean require, an indication that the copyist is not sure about the soundness of the copied text. It is not clear whether this is the use in the Mesmes Bible.

p. 207. There is an illustration of the four evangelists on a single page in Krakow, Cathedral Library, MS 140, fol. 100v. This manuscript was produced in Italy around 800, but is a collection of sermons on the gospels rather than a gospel book itself.

p. 269 VgO H. The manuscript is sometimes written in sense lines, e.g. for the genealogies, and also has decorated canon tables on foll. 198-201.