H.A.G. Houghton

Professor of New Testament Textual Scholarship 

Director, Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing

ITSEE, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham  B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Member of the KU Leuven Research Unit of Biblical Studies

Email h.a.g.houghton [at] bham.ac.uk                        Twitter @HAGHoughton

This is the personal website of Professor Hugh Houghton. It offers a full list of my publications, including links to the PDF versions of items which publishers have permitted to be hosted on a personal website. These include writings on the Greek and Latin New Testament, biblical manuscripts, quotations of the New Testament in early Christian writers and book reviews.

This website also provides updates and corrections to some of my major publications, as follows:

Please contact me using the details above if you spot anything which it may be helpful to include on these pages.

Other pages contain links to online lectures I have given, and full-text electronic transcriptions of New Testament manuscripts on which I have collaborated. 

Information is also reproduced about some of my funded research projects, including the European Research Council COMPAUL project and the Workspace for Collaborative Editing supported by the AHRC and DFG.

For other information about my research, please visit my University of Birmingham webpage. The full text of postgraduate theses which I have supervised is available on the University eTheses repository.

Finally, if you are interested in my English translation of Carmina Burana with notes on the Latin text, here are links to the full version (with footnotes) and the text only