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This page shall have links to all new things listed in this page. This is the page that is suppossed to check for.

Feb 07

A detail blog posted on the alumni trip. Go here

Jan 09

Alumni Trip photos uploaded. Go here

Oct 22

Nobel prize for Economics - New page added. Click here..

July 13 - 2007

For the health news a new page is published. Click here..

July 09 - 2007

Probabilty of a BE seat in TN : It seems random numbers are going to play a vital role in deciding the BE seats in Tamil nadu. Read more.

June 29 - 2007

Vasan's Message - On first year compeletion of ILP, a special message, Very Funny.

June 22 - 2007

To mark the first year compeletion of ILP - a separate page is created. It looks back at the various things we have done then. Read more

May 28 - 2007

Three major homes to categorise the contents. Appmax Home - ILP @ CBE Home - Math Home.

May 24th, ILP CBE Part I, ILP CBE Part II

Apr 10 - 2007

Notice: Advertisements which were part of this page are withdrwan now. You will have good experience with this site. Thanks for your understanding.

Mar 23 - 2007

News about the biggest break through in mathematical in the decade is added.

Mar 12 - 2007

Carrers in Math - A new section is introduced. With Financial Engineering and interview questions.

Mar 06 - 2007

Login.html - A webpage based on Javascript added. This a simple page that needs no 'third party' and fully done using Javascript. Please visit this site to create your own login page. [Click here].

Feb 28 - 2007

Sandya's marriage pictures added. [Click]

Emperor's new mind - Review added. [Click]

Feb 17 - 2007

A new page on Math -Cryptography. [Click]

Chatting online - To all. [Click]

This (New page intimation) feature added.