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Cherishing the warmth of the corner seat of the class room, where even the cool breeze of the air conditioners fail to reach and disturb me, I was busy refining the plot for the role play, we were to perform that afternoon. I was kind of, in a world of imagination, which people misconstrue as half-sleeping, especially in a Dot Net class. Roughly I started constructing the lines I have to speak in the play, which was planned to be a suspense thriller in which a Police officer investigates the murder of a rich woman in London and suspicion rotates among all the characters. I was to play the role of Tick Tuck, a journalist who keeps track of the case. Amit played Gorocha Butler, the cop. Sankar agreed to be the dead woman’s husband. Pramod, the lawyer and therefore Nagalaxmi had to play Mary, the woman’s maid, the only character left.

We came back early after having a quick lunch to discuss the plot and finalize the dialogue. We admitted that, as the whole scenario was setup against an English background, we had to speak in the British accent which would automatically take care of the comedy part in an otherwise serious skit. Being absorbed in the script and screenplay details, we could hardly notice the Life Skills Instructor enter the class.

Life Skills Instructor: Guys!! Five minutes and you have to start….

C13 [in unison]: Siiir!! Fifteen minutes.

Life Skills Instructor: Sorry guys the Clock does not permit me. Five minutes is all you have.

[300 haste-filled-seconds later]

The first group enters….

They gave themselves the title “The Invincible Troupe” or some such fancy name in the likes of those you get to see in combat-video-games. This group composed of intellectuals like Guru, Sneha, Naren, and others [feel free to add, delete or edit the content in case I got the group wrong!!]. Naren was the detective. Guru played a half-blind cop who could see the world only through his fat spectacles. There were hard-to-describe-on-paper kind of twists and turns in the show. At one point of time someone actually drew triangles and geometry stuff on board and talked about Pythagoras theorem and all to prepare the trap for the culprit. All was well since the climax saw the sound of huge applause.

Then came Anitha, Rajesh, Srikanth and others who made huge comedy out of series of double-meaning conversations, finally boiling down Rajesh as the murderer.

Then the next play saw atrocities of Dhanu beating up Vasan and many such unsolved mysteries. Then came Kulandei and co. with a Mani Ratnam kind of script and finished off declaring Sunder[isn’t it?] as the culprit.

The only time in the whole session I was mentally present was when our turn came and surprisingly I, who had the opening dialogue, forgot my script and started stammering and doing all those not-to-be-done-on-stage kind of things. Shyam however controlled me and we all finished off the play without many fingers pointing at us.

Thus ended the dramatic day in office[still have not found a better word to describe that place]. Sorry!!!! I was forgetting to mention. The best performance award of that day went to Kalidas who played the role of Chandramookhey, the multiple soul woman.

(At 2345 hrs that day in Room no 401-Partiban’s room….)

Radhe: Hey Pat bhai. What is all this structure chart funda? Can’t we get a few more days time so that we can allow ourselves sleep in time today after a strenuous dramatic day.

Partiban: No way Radhe. We gotta work now otherwise Ms.--------- will kill us.

Sankar: I will finish this fairing-up-the-rough work and sleep.

[fifteen yawns later]

The straight lines in the structure chart were beginning to take bends as our backs were, on the comforting couch of 401.

Radhe: Hey sankar bhai!! Is it done..sankar bhai? Sankar bhaiiiii!!!!

[Ten yawns later]

No one was counting the yawns anymore…..

The next morning I woke up from the bed in room no. 408. Till date I did not understand how.






[End of part 3]

Hey folks, you can be happy now since the last part of the sequence will take some time since “It takes time to MELT frozen memories, more so when the PRESSURE at work is high.