Second assignment

File to use: ESS_2008_HUN.SAV

Exercise 1.: From the following variables (V144, V145, V146, V147) construct a new one called POLICE that measures the general attitude towards the police. Recode this POLICE into a new variable (POLICE3) that has three categories. Decide which mode of categorization you can use (absolute or relative).

Exercise 2.: V82 measures the intensity of fear from being burgled. V84 measures the intensity of fear from becoming a victim of a violent crime. You have to construct a new variable from these two that has the following categories:

1 - living in total fear (those who are afraid of being burgled and becoming a victim of a violent crime)

2 - those who are afraid only of being burgled but no fear because of violent crime

3 - those who are afraid only of becoming a victim of a violent crime

4 - no fear at all, in general

Exercise 3.: V17 measures the level of interest in politics. Examine the following hypothesis: Men tend to be interested in politics more than women.

Files to send (via e-mail): syntax, output and Word doc.