

Taken the higher final number of classes than in the case of regularly weekly practical courses, you can miss 6 classes at most without any further official consequence. (However we don't recommend you to skip as many.) If you miss 7 classes or more: you are not eligible for writing the exam. Attendance sheet will be circulated in every class: your presence will be proven by your signature, so please sign it every time.

Assignments: two complex assignments will be set. You must hand in at least one due to the assigned deadline in order to being let to the pass-or-fail exam. However, it is strongly recommended to hand in both.

Pass-or-fail exam: You pass if you collect at least 50 per cent of the possible maximum points of the exam AND if you don't make any serious mistake that would mean an immediate failing even if your final points are greater than 50 per cent (these mistakes are: reading out numbers in the crosstab wrongly, unability to interpret certain numbers and statistics in the ouput of Frequencies command, unability to open a data file on your own).