
Lutheran/Orthodox-Chrismation (Confirmation)

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Chrismation (confirmation)

· Confirmation is neither commanded by the Lord, nor practiced in the Scriptures. It is a tradition of the Church.

· Baptism is complete in and of itself by virtue of the Name of God and the promises connected to Baptism. Baptism is one’s personal Pentecost.

· Confirmation is practiced as the continual instruction of the baptized in the basic truths of the Christian faith.

There is no set age for confirmation or first communion.

Eastern Orthodoxy

Chrismation (confirmation)

· Confirmation immediately follows baptism. Confirmation is never delayed until a later age.

Chrismation is seen as one's personal Pentecost and a completion of baptism.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 908 W. Main Middleville, MI 49333 +269-795-2391+