Advanced Lit Homework

Monday, 3-29 Begin Hamlet. View these very brief video synopses of the plot of hamlet here or here.

HW: Work on your poetry presentation. Poetry presentation due Wednesday.

Wednesday, 3-31 Presentations. If you will be absent Wednesday/Thursday, video your presentation, post it on Youtube, and send me an e-mail with the link OR send me a readable video file. If you have to send audio only (MP3 OR WAV), do that.

HW: Explore the Hamlet link on the Adv Lit main page. Read Act 1 of Hamlet at No Fear Shakespeare.

Friday, 4-1 Last of poetry presentations.

Introduce final project (literary essay, point of view movie "essay", song, or other approved project)

Monday, 4-4 Discuss sections of Act 1 of Hamlet. See Act 1 in movie.

HW: Read Act 2 at No Fear Shakespeare.

Wednesday 4-6 Discuss selected segments of Act 2. View part of Act 2.

Friday, 4-8 Take quiz on Acts 2 and 3. Make up Act 1 quizzes. In class, read selections from Act III. View the Gibson movie to the end of Act II.

HW: Read remainder of Hamlet Act III.

Monday, 4-11 and Tuesday, 4-12 Carley, Eric H., Eric S. and Sara H. - Biograms are due TODAY. No exceptions. In class, continue to read selections from Act III. View movie to end of Act III. Assign quotes to explain from the quotations worksheet. (If you are absent the days students explain the quotations, you'll be responsible for locating the quotations by yourself and writing a line by line explanation for each quotation.)

HW: Read Act IV at No Fear Shakespeare. Write a paragraph to explain your tentative plans for your final project (to be turned in Wednesday).

Long-term homework: See the final project handout on paper or on-line. It will be due in rough April 27 and in final draft May 6.

Wednesday 4-13 Turn in your final project rough plans. Present your quotation explanations. Continue Hamlet movie if time permits. Homework: Read Act V at No Fear Shakespeare.

Friday, 4-15 Continue Hamlet Act 4; continue quotes

Monday 4-18 Last of quotes; review for Hamlet test; finish Hamlet movie?

Wednesday, 4-20 Hamlet test

Friday, 4-22 NO SCHOOL

Monday, 4-25 Hamlet essay due; Read Beowulf sections 1-3 at this site. Read the Sparknotes summaries and character lists at the Beowulf link on this website. Work on final project.

Wednesday, 4-27 Carley, Eric H., Eric S. and Sara H. - Blended analysis and biogram due. HW: Read sections 4-6 of Beowulf. Work on final project.

Friday, 4-29 Hear The Lord's Prayer in Anglo-Saxon. Hear Benjamin Bagby recite the battle of Beowulf and Grendel in Anglo-Saxon. Hear Seamus Heany's readings of Beowulf's battles. Discuss sections 1-6 of Beowulf.

Homework: Read sections 7-9 of Beowulf.

Monday, 5-2 Discuss Beowulf's second battle and other Beowulf details. Assign mini-presentations on background to Beowulf and work on them for Wednesday presentation.

Wednesday, 5-4 Beowulf mini-presentations. Finish Beowulf. Work on final projects.

Friday, 5-7 Review Beowulf and work on final projects.

Monday, 5-10 Review for Beowulf test. Discuss Beowulf handout. See Sparknotes summaries. Quiz bowl. If you want to do the extra credit essay, click here.

Wednesday 5-12 Test Beowulf.

Friday, 5-14 F inal projects due.

Monday, 5-16 Present final projects

Wednesday, 5-18 ?