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Mr. Mac's Mini Biography

After 43 years in the ELA classroom - 24 years in junior high and the remainder in high school - I am in the process of passing the baton. My most recent leg of the relay involved teaching concurrent credit college composition and literature, sophomore English, and journalism. Both my undergraduate and master's degrees in English are from Fort Hays State University.

My wife Melony teaches junior high math, keyboarding and multimedia at SES.

Our son Mark, whose undergraduate degree is in chemical engineering, works as a professional engineer for the KDHE in Topeka. He married Lili July 18, 2020.

Max, who has lived in the Czech Republic for the past five years, has recently completed the writing of his Master's thesis and hopes to earn his Master's degree in International Economics and Politics in the fall. Melony and I spent nearly a month with him the year before the pandemic and took the rest of the family along to visit him during part of that time.

Marissa, our youngest, is now Dr. Jones, having completed her doctorate in analytical chemistry at Vanderbilt in March of 2021. In April, she moved to Springfield, MO to begin her work as a business development specialist for Biocrates, an Austrian company that provides mass spectrometry supplies. She celebrated her fifth year of marriage to Jake June 5.

Other favorites

Urban legends

Truth or Fiction

Science exploration

How Stuff Works

Photos, anyone?

Unsplash (free art)