Edmodo signup

What is Edmodo?

Edmodo is a tool that allows me to text or email you as a group or individually. Once you log on at Edmodo.com and join the SES JH Scholars group, I can send you alerts when new scholars' bowl or class information is available. Edmodo has other functions, too, but those functions apply more to students than to parents.

What limitations does the site have?

The main limitation is that there is no way for you to simply reply to one of my text alerts without logging on to your Edmodo account. There's an easy workaround for that: If you want to reply to my text, just send a new text message to gmcclure@usd306.com or, if you have a smart phone that connects to the internet, send a reply via EdModo.

How do I sign up to receive texts and emails about junior high scholars' bowl?

Simply go to Edmodo.com and check "I'm a student" and start filling in the information. (If you already have an account, just log in with username and password and join the group.) If you are signing up for junior high scholars' bowl alerts, your access code will be yom6w8. If you desire to sign up for some other group (or if you are a parent desiring to receive read-only notifications, please ask your student for the parent code or contact me at gmcclure@usd306.com and I'll email you your parent code. Once you have it, log in to EdModo, click on "Parent signup," and follow the steps immediately following. The students use these same steps to sign up and modify notifications.)

* Include the email address that you use most often.

*After you have filled out the information on that first screen, go to the upper right portion of your screen and click on "account - settings."

* After you do, look under "notification type" in the upper right portion of that screen and click on the down arrow beside your email address. Click on text message and enter your phone number (without any hyphens) and your phone carrier.

* Then by checking the boxes you desire, set up Edmodo to send the types of messages you desire to receive.

SES JH scholars' access code
