Sub Coach Duties

Occasionally, when we have two meets on the same day or I have another event away from school, someone will sub for me as coach. Therefore, I am compiling a list of coach's duties here.


1. Meet the students in the appointed location (usually in the high school library right outside my room, #112 or near my parent-teacher conference table in the elementary gym). If a bus has been scheduled, you may meet the players in the lounge near the east doors.

2. Take roll using the meet assignments sheet you've downloaded from this web site or that I have given to you.

3. Ask to make sure all players' parents know that they are going to the meet.

4. If you are driving vans, get the cell phone number of your other driver before you leave. Also fill in the vehicle usage form before you leave and when you return home. If you are taking a bus, get the bus driver's cell before you leave. (You might need it it the end of the meet.) I'll try to provide you my cell number a few days before the meet.

5. If you are taking buzzers (and you usually are; they are located near the file cabinets in my classroom), ask a responsible student to make sure the buzzers get to the meet and home from the meet.


6. Check in at the appointed location, pick up the team packets and hand the 8th grade envelope to the 8th grade captain and the 7th grade materials to the 7th grade captain. The captain will be responsible for the team table tent, for signing after each round, and for choosing who will sit out if any have to sit out.

7. Go with the team of your choice (A or B) and keep score or assign the team's alternate to keep score in the rooms where that team plays. (Another parent at the meet may do the same for the other group. You could also ask the bus driver if he or she would stay with the other group.) You may copy the score from the chalk board - there will be an official scorekeeper - but our players appreciate it if you keep track of the points that each player scores.)

8. During the meet, keep quiet and let the captain handle any disputes. Coaches are not allowed to intervene. Also, be sure cell phones are off. If a coach's or player's cell phone rings during a meet, the team is disqualified.


9. If the meet has finals and if we are not in the finals and if you took buzzers, ask the tournament director if he/she can spare your buzzers so you can head home.

10. If parents are taking their youngsters home with them, ask them to sign the student's name and theirs on your manila scoring packet or on your meet assignment sheet.

11. We often finish at the supper hour, so we sometimes stop to eat on the way home. If you desire to stop, first make sure the students actually have money to pay for food. You've donated plenty by driving or riding a bus; I don't want you to get stuck paying for meals. BTW, if we stop, I ask that all drink water. It saves all of us from cleaning up sticky messes.

12. Ask all students to call parents as soon as you can determine an ETA. (It will save waiting time when you get back to the building.) I often stop at the Wendy's south of Walmart in Salina. When I do, I allow parents to pick up the players at that location, but they must sign them out to take them.


13. If you drove vans, use your school ID to enter the back gate. If you don't have a school ID, ask me a few days before the meet to work on getting a temporary ID for you. When you return to SES, park your vehicles nose forward near the location where you found them. (Parking with the nose forward lets the bus coordinator know the vehicle needs to be filled with gas, etc.)

14. If you have vehicle keys, put the vehicle keys in my box in the teachers' lounge and put the buzzers, if you took them, in a secure location (maybe in the faculty lounge) so they can be retrieved the following day.

15. When all students have left the school, the sponsor(s) may leave, too.
