A Lada Joke (for Alex)

A man was driving along the motorway in his Lada. Suddenly there was a pop and a bang and the Lada started to lose speed, so he pulled onto the hard shoulder.

A few minutes later a Porsche pulled up in front of him and a bloke jumped out.

"Do you want a tow mate?" he aked, "Yes please" the Lada driver replied.

"Ok, but if I go too fast put your indicator on."

So the two men set off at a nice sedate pace, but after about ten minutes a Ferrari pulled up alongside the Porsche and they started to race, forgetting the poor old Lada being dragged along behind.

Finally they took an exit, raced to a village and zoomed past a little pub. There was a man standing outside with his pint in his hand. He watched the cars race past and then ran inside to his friends and blurted out,

"You'll never guess what I have just seen! I saw a Ferrari and a Porsche racing along doing 200mph - and there was a Lada behind indicating to overtake!"