Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton and her new British friend decide to go to the dog pound and each get a puppy. After arriving home, Paris says to her friend, “How are we going to tell them apart?” Her friend replies, “I know, I’ll give my puppy a red bow, and you can give your puppy a blue one.”

The next day, Paris comes back and says, “Oh no, I can’t tell them apart! They ripped the bows off when they were playing!”

Her friend says, “I know, I’ll give my puppy a red collar, and you give yours a blue one.”

The next day, Paris returns. “Oh no, they’ve taken their collars off while playing. I can’t tell them apart!” Her friend says, “I know. Why don’t I take the black puppy, and you take the white one?”

Paris Hilton was speeding along in her hot sporty little convertible, wearing a really tight sweater.

A motorcycle policeman clocked her going well over the speed limit, and gave chase. Paris ignored the flashing lights and the siren, so finally the officer pulled right up next to Paris and, through his loudspeaker, yelled, "PULL OVER!"

Paris looked over at the officer, and yelled back, "No, it's a cardigan!"