Routines Rules

A. Routines may consist of any figures, swimming propulsion techniques, strokes or part thereof.

B. For the deck work in team routines, competitors may not execute stacks, towers, or human pyramids.

C. All competitors shall wear a one-piece swimsuit devoid of school emblems. All competitors wearing swim caps must wear a plain white cap devoid of school emblems.

D. Each routine must have two type-written entry sheets for dual meets and four (4) for triangular meets. Entry sheets are due to the Referee immediately upon arrival at the host school, (at least one half hour before the meet).

E. Each school may enter six routines: one team routine, with the remaining five routines being distributed among solos, duets and trios with no more than two entries per event.

F. A competitor may enter three events. If she does so, one must be the team event.

G. A competitor may not enter the same event in both Varsity and Junior Varsity competition.

H. A team shall consist of at least 4 but no more than 8 competitors.

I. In the case of team competition, one-quarter point shall be added to the Total Score (see Rule VI, C.3., NOTE) for each additional competitor over four on a team.

J. The coach shall be responsible for presenting their accompaniment on cassette tape or compact disc to the sound center. Each tape or compact disc shall be identified as to name of competitor, school, number in order of performance, and any special instructions

K. The accompaniment shall begin on a signal from the Referee. Routines must start and finish with the accompaniment. The competitor(s) must perform the routine without interruption.

L. Judging of routines begins with entry into water. If a routine starts in the water, judging commences with the accompaniment.

M. Time requirements for routines shall be as follows:

1. There shall be a maximum of ten seconds for deck movements.

2. Maximum time limits are:

Solos - 3 minutes

Duets/Trios – 3 1/2 minutes

Teams - 4 minutes

3. There shall be an allowance of fifteen seconds plus the allotted time limit.

4. There shall be no minimum time limits.

5. Timing of the routine shall begin and end with the accompaniment. Timing of deck movements shall end as the last competitor enters the water. (See Rule VII, B.1.)

N. Other Requirements:

1. The routine must end in the water.

2. There shall be no deliberate walking on the bottom of the pool.

3. There shall be no deliberate contact with the deck after the swimmers have entered the water. The deck shall be defined as any surface perpendicular to the sides of the pool, excluding the bottom.

4. There shall be no deliberate use of the bottom of the pool to assist another swimmer(s). (See Rule VII, B.2. a.-d.)

O. Visiting and host schools will alternate positions, with the host school swimming last.

P. Routine scores are ranked from highest to lowest. Points are awarded as follows:

Teams - 10 for first, 2 for second.

Duets/Trios - 7 for first, 4 for second, 2 for third

Solos - 5 for first, 3 for second, 1 for third

The winner is the school with the greatest number accumulated varsity points.