2022 Tryouts

2022 Season:

Tryouts: Pod Placements (NOT FOR NEW or 2nd Year Swimmers)

  • First goal will be to determine if swimmers are in the Maroon or Gold Group. We will start by using our team placement from last season. (This is subject to change)

    • If you were on Erin’s Sing Short Team or a New Swimmer last season you will start in the Gold Group

  • If you were on Erin’s Dog Short Team, Long Team or Extended Teams you will be in the Maroon Group

  • If you are brand new to us you will start in the Gold Group. Remember no experience necessary!! If you have prior synchro experience, let us know!

  • Tryouts will be different!! We will first use the above groups to get you into smaller groups for Covid Safety. Don’t worry, we have interactive Pod Activities planned!!

  • Tryout Expectations: (For returning swimmers, not including last years new swimmers)

    • There will NOT be any hybrids to learn before season

    • We will use the first week or two to determine routines based on:

      • Positivity!

      • Height in Eggbeater, Jumps, Sustained Verticals, Ballet Legs

      • Figures: Ballet Leg, Walkover Front, Heron and Kip

      • Hybrids learned at practice together

  • What can you do to prepare for the season?

    • Invite others to JOIN our team! Seriously! We need each other and community right now and this is a FOCUS for the season.

    • Move your body! If you can get in the pool to practice some of the things above… great! If not, don’t stress. Focus on stretching and moving

**Tryouts are for returning swimmers only.... NEW Swimmers Please IGNORE!**

Synchro Tryouts 2022

Your coaches use these skills to help us determine what routine(s) to place you in. Some of these skills may be very difficult for some of you-- Just do your best and know the counts! KNOW YOUR COUNTS! Work HARD!

All Swimmers Should prepare for:

  • Split Test

  • Four Required varsity figures. Ballet Leg, Walkover Front, Kip, Heron

  • Elements on the video that apply to your division.

We might also ask you to do vertical and crane holds... be prepared!