Figure Scoring

Figure Competition

  1. Judges shall award scores from 0-10, with one-tenth point increments. All judgments are made from a standpoint of perfection.
  2. Judging begins on a signal from the Panel Referee.
  3. The Judges' scores shall be flashed simultaneously and announced immediately after each figure on signal from the Panel Referee.
  4. In the event of a balk or false start, the Judges shall not take this into consideration, but shall grade the final performed figure as though there had been no balk. The Panel Referee will instruct the Scorer to record the appropriate penalty. (See Rule VII, A.1.e.)
  5. Breakdown of Figure Competition Scoring:
    1. Design: 5 points The portion of the figure score attributed to DESIGN is an evaluation of the degree of conformation to those positions and movements specified in the figure description and in the descriptions of the basic positions in Part Four, Figure Rules IV & V. Design is the accuracy of positions and transitions as specified in the figure descriptions. Specific factors include:
      1. Precise definition of positions, particularly the vertical and horizontal alignments.
      2. Compactness, as required, as in tuck or back pike positions.
    2. Control: 5 points The portion of the figure score attributed to CONTROL is an evaluation of the level of strength and degree of coordination and approach to total command of a figure performance. Control includes extension, height, stability, clarity, and uniform motion (unless otherwise specified in the figure description.) Figures are executed in a stationary position (unless otherwise specified in the figure description.) Specific factors include:
      1. Degree of stability.
      2. Strong support for weight held above the water to reach and/or sustain maximum height.
      3. Full body extension.
      4. Maintaining constant water lines where desirable.
      5. A smooth, precise and constant tempo of transitions between, unless otherwise specified.
      6. Appearance of total confidence and seemingly effortless performance with minimal movement. 6

Figure Scoring:

Perfect _____________________ 10.0

Near Perfect _________________ 9.5 to 9.9

Excellent ____________________9.0 to 9.4

Very Good ___________________8.0 to 8.9

Good _______________________ 7.0 to 7.9

Competent ___________________6.0 to 6.9

Satisfactory __________________5.0 to 5.9

Deficient ____________________ 4.0 to 4.9

Weak _______________________3.0 to 3.9

Very Weak __________________ 2.0 to 2.9

Hardly Recognizable___________ 0.1 to 1.9

Completely Failed _____________0

Note: Minor infractions shall not be judged zero.