Walk Over Front


*Surface Front Pike

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-back of thigh and heel of one leg on a horizontal line

-head, shoulders, and hips on a vertical line

Of Parts in Motion

-one leg moves in a 180 degree arc over the surface to a horizontal line behind the hips

Control: 1) Water line

-hips as close to the surface as possible

-static leg and foot at the surface


Common Errors

1. Tempo changes

2. Trunk twists and shoulders lose alignment near completion

3. Back leg out of line with front leg and/or bent at the knee

4. Head and shoulders do not remain on vertical line with hips (too far forward or overarched)


Design: 1) Alignment

-head, shoulders, and hips on a vertical line, head downward

-one leg extended forward on a horizontal line

-other leg extended backward on the same horizontal line

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, the front of the hip of the backward leg

-from the hips, through both legs and feet

Control: 1) Water line

-hips parallel to surface

-feet and thighs at the surface

Common Errors

1. Uneven split

2. Back leg out of line with front leg and/or bent at knee

3. Head, shoulders and hips not on vertical line

4. Knee of backward extended leg bent


Design: 1) Alignment

-legs and feet together and parallel extended backward on a horizontal line

-head, shoulders, and hips on a vertical line, head downward

2) Extension

-both legs from the font of the hips, through the legs and feet

-frontal trunk stretched from the head of the hips

Control: 1) Water lines

-feet and thighs at the surface

Common Errors

  1. Head, shoulders and hips not on vertical line
  2. Head out of line
  3. Hips low



Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-head, shoulders, and hips on a vertical line

-backward leg on a horizontal line

Of Parts in Motion

-forward leg moves upward through a 180 degree arc to a horizontal line parallel to and beside the static leg

Control: 1) Water line

-hips as close to the surface as possible

-thigh and foot of backward leg at the surface

*Surface Arch

Common Errors

1. Back leg out of line or bent at knee

2. Trunk twists, shoulders lose alignment

3. Hip level changes

4. Tempo changes

5. Footfirst travel



*Surface Arch

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-not applicable

Of Parts in Motion

-hips, legs, and feet move on a horizontal line

-head on a vertical line with the hips and follows the same arc as the trunk to a horizontal line

-feet, legs and hips move foot first as the chest, then head emerges at the original position of the hips at the beginning of this action

Control: 1) Water line

-feet, thighs and hips at the surface

*Back Layout

Common Errors

1. Head not replacing hips at emergence of face at surface

2. Feet submerged

3. Movement continuing after head surfaces

4. Footfirst movement stops before head emerges


Design: 1) Alignment

-ears, hips and ankles on a horizontal line

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, hips, legs and feet

Control: 1) Water lines

-face. front of trunk, thighs, and feet at the surface

Common Errors

1. Thighs underwater

2. Feet underwater

3. Face out of horizontal line

4. Lack of extension in trunk