Ballet Let


Design: 1) Alignment

-ears, hips and ankles on a horizontal line

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, hips, legs and feet

Control: 1) Water lines

-face. front of trunk, thighs, and feet at the surface

Common Errors

1. Thighs underwater

2. Feet underwater

3. Face out of horizontal line

4. Lack of extension in trunk


*Back Layout

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-ears, hips, and one ankle on a horizontal line

Of Parts in Motion

-thigh and knee of one leg moves upward through an arc from the horizontal to a vertical line

-toe of bending leg moves along the inside of the static leg

Control: 1) Water line

-face, front of trunk, and foot of horizontal leg at the surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

*Surface Bent Knee (Back Layout)

Common Errors

1. Horizontal alignment errors, hips dropping, head forward (ears out) shoulders/back rounded

2. Thigh off vertical

3. Trunk submerged

4. Headfirst travel


*Bent Knee (Back Layout)

Design: 1) Alignment

-ears, hips and one ankle on a horizontal line

-thigh of other leg on a vertical line with toe remaining in contact with inside of the other leg

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, hips, and the horizontal leg and foot

-through the ankle and foot of the bent leg

Control: 1) Water lines

-face. front of trunk, thigh, and foot extended leg at surface

-bent leg above the surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

Common Errors

1. Hips piked

2. Lack of extension in trunk

3. Thigh of bent leg off vertical line

4. Foot of horizontal leg beneath surface

5. Bent leg barely above the surface


*Surface Bent Knee (Back Layout)

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-ears, hips, and one ankle on as close as possible to a horizontal line at surface

-thigh of other leg on a vertical line

Of Parts in Motion

-shin and foot of bent leg move upward to the same vertical line as the thigh

Control: 1) Water line

-face, front of trunk, and foot of horizontal leg at the surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

*Surface Bent Knee

Common Errors

  • Movement of thigh
  • Leg off vertical
  • Horizontal alignment errors, hips bent, head forward, shoulders/back rounded foot submerged
  • Change of water level
  • Excessive water disturbance
  • Travel



Design: 1) Alignment

-face, chest, one thigh and foot on a horizontal line

-the other leg on a vertical line

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, hips, and the horizontal leg and foot

-from one hip, through the leg and foot of the vertical leg

Control: 1) Water line

-the face. front of trunk, thigh and foot of the horizontal leg at surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

Common Errors

1. Horizontal foot underwater

2. Vertical leg off vertical

3. Bent knee(s)

4. Lack of extension in trunk


Design: 1) Alignment

-head, trunk and one leg on a horizontal line, parallel to the surface

-the other leg on a vertical line, thigh perpendicular to the surface and other body parts

2) Extension

-from the head, through the trunk, hips, and the horizontal leg and foot

-from one hip, through the leg and foot of the vertical leg

Control: 1) Water lines

-between the knee and ankle of the vertical leg

Common Errors

1. Head, trunk and horizontal leg not parallel to surface

2. Knee(s) bent

3. Vertical leg off vertical line


*Surface Ballet Leg

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-ears, hips, and one ankle on as close as possible to a horizontal line at surface

-thigh of other leg on a vertical line

Of Parts in Motion

-shin and foot of vertical leg move downward until the toe reaches a position beside the horizontal leg

Control: 1) Water line

-face, front of trunk, and foot of horizontal leg at the surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

*Surface Bent Knee (Back Layout)

Common Errors

1. Horizontal foot submerged

2. Movement of thigh

3. Thigh off vertical

4. Excessive water disturbance

5. Travel

6. Change in water level


*Surface Bent Knee (Back Layout)

Design: 1) Alignment

Of Static Parts

-ears, hips, and one ankle on a horizontal line

Of Parts in Motion

-thigh and knee of the bent leg move downward from the vertical line to a horizontal line parallel to and beside the static leg

-toe of bent leg moves along the inside of the static leg

Control: 1) Water line

-face, front of trunk, and foot of horizontal leg at the surface

-hips as close to the surface as possible

*Back Layout

Common Errors

1. Horizontal alignment errors, hips bent, head forward, shoulders/back rounded or arched foot submerged.

2. Movement of thigh

3. Change in water level