Visiting Professors

Projects and Related Activities.


Sections and Equipments

Space Physics Group

Ricardo Monreal Mac-Mahon (RMMc) , PI - Research

Cecilia Llop Romero (CLlop) , Research

Rodrigo Miranda Cerda (RMC) Research (*postgraduate studies at INPE-Brazil)

Julieta Águila, Technical Assistant (Ing. Ejec. Computación)

Secciones y equipamiento

The magnetometers installed at Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales (marked in red color), conform the south part of the meridional network of eight stations involved in the SAMBA project (circles), supported by the NSF-USA, and driven by Eftyhia Zesta (PI) from UCLA (now at US AF, Boston).

The imaging riometer, UV sensors, and fluxgate magnetometer installed at the geophysical observatory in Punta Arenas [R. Monreal] are part of a network [squares] of similar instruments installed at Concepción [A. Foppiano] and Santa Maria -RGS, Brasil [N. Schuch] associated to the AMAS project supported by the NIPR - Japan, driven by Kazuo Makita (PI) from Univ. Takushoku. Recently has been implemented a new station at Trelew - Argentina.