Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Post date: Dec 07, 2016 5:9:39 PM

Nov 28, 2010 by Clay Ciolek

The surrender of liberty for the sake of “national security” has finally come home to roost in a way every American can understand. If 9/11 was the turning point then why weren’t full-body scans and invasive pat-downs initiated right away? The federal government realizes that it takes conditioning to instigate unwarranted change. And so we have a modern-day wheat and tares parable: the players are the travelers who roll over and surrender their 4th amendment rights versus those who stand on principle. The former are the subjects of peer pressure and social engineering. The latter are people willing to miss their flights, be threatened with law suits and bear public shame for not getting in line.The attack is on liberty. We enjoy it but the current generation doesn’t realize what it will take to keep it.

Ethical dilemmas are created; we are:

Free to fly, but subjected to radiation. How much is too much? Frequent fliers become frequent fryers.

Free to fly, but subjected to a full-body pat-down. Do I have the right to demand the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) put on a fresh pair of gloves? What if the TSA agent is homosexual? What if a pat-down supposedly finds something, how much clothing comes off? At that point, what if I’m a Mormon with official underwear? What if I don’t wear underwear at all? What if it’s a conviction to only wear a dress, or I’m Scottish and prefer my kilt? What if I’m ticklish and my knee accidentally hits the TSA agent in the face? Will it be considered an assault?

Free to fly, but a husband and father has to stand by and watch his wife and children be subjected to what is tantamount to molestation, visually and/or physically. If the husband did the same thing to a stranger it could be considered a criminal offense.

Free to fly, but how do non-profit adult-chaperoned traveling groups consisting of minors handle the situation without prior consent and direction of parents and guardians?

Free to fly, but at risk if I don’t read the fine print. If I’m turned back at the TSA check point, will I be guaranteed a full refund by my airline (that had no part in making these rules)? At that point how would I get my checked bags back, along with the baggage handling fee? If no refunds are given, can I write off the expenses on my income tax as a loss?

Free to opt out, but if I’m turned back at the TSA check point and held, what could possibly be the reason for being detained?

If I’m required to fly as part of my job can I file a sexual harassment complaint against my employer for the pat-down?

Free to fly, but what will be the next implemented security measure?

Since government buildings were also under attack during 9/11, it would only be consistent that all Federal and State Buildings have scanners and pat-downs in addition to their metal detectors. This way, every day, judges, government workers, and elected officials can have their daily dose of radiation or begin the morning in a touchy, feely kind of way.

Hopefully the groundswell of revolt will continue until the government senses anarchy.

The unfortunate party is the already struggling airline industry, which may really feel the people’s choosing to opt out of flying altogether.

I suggest every traveler carry a release form. After all, if they can ask for my full name I should be able to obtain theirs. The form would contain statements requiring signatures of TSA agents guaranteeing/acknowledging:

    • That no physical harm will come from radiation.

    • That no HIPAA information-sharing restriction has been violated.

    • That frontal pat-downs are a form of search and seizure, and illegal.

    • That we’re all being subjected to treatment that could be avoided by honestly identifying the problem and doing some common-sense profiling.

Rumor has it Muslim women wearing burkas are exempt. Aren’t they associated with the group that started this whole reaction?

Where we go from here in the land of the “free” will depend on the principled brave we have at home.