
Articles and posts on this blog are written by individuals who believe in God’s Word as the ultimate source of authority and that God’s Word applies to all of life, including politics and civil government. Thus they concur that

1) godly men should be prepared to run for civil office and that, if qualified, they are best-suited for election as civil leaders;

2) a Christian political party committed to training and nominating men for civil government offers the best hope for a nation seeking to be restored to God’s purposes for all nations.

Our authors and contributors come from all walks of life: businessmen, theologians, educators, fathers, pastors, and politicians. We are grateful for their convictions and their contributions.

They are:

Mr. Lorne Blackman – Business Owner, Oregon

Rev. Clay Ciolek – Vice-Chairman, Christian Liberty Party, Washington

Rev. Daniel Eby – Former Chairman, Christian Liberty Party, Business Owner, Washington

Rev. Robert Fugate – Pastor, Omaha, Nebraska

Mr. Buddy Hanson – Author, Publisher. Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Dean Hellekson – Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Lynnwood, Washington

Mr. Paul McClintock – Chairman, Christian Liberty Party, Washington

Paul Michael Raymond – Pastor, Appomattox, Virginia

Rousas John Rushdoony – Founder of Chalcedon Foundation