Christian Voter Club Manual

Christians and Civil Government

So you’re interested in starting a Christian Voter Club? Great! Christians ought to be taking responsibility for their civil government. God established three institutions: the family, civil government, and the church (in that order). Civil government is part of God’s plan, and only God’s people can be expected to run civil government according to God’s design. It follows that their responsibility is not only to multiply (the family) and to meet together for worship (the church), but also to govern according to God’s Word.

Getting Started

Start by asking the Lord what He would have you do about your civil government. We believe that He would have all his people pray for civil magistrates—for those in authority over us. And some, we believe, will be led to write letters to magistrates, and to editors, urging the application of Biblical principles to the issues of the day. Some, again, to attend city and county councils, for the same purpose. Or to help God-fearing candidates for public office with their campaigns: for example putting up posters, participating in a phone bank, stuffing envelopes, distributing information door-to-door. We hope you’ll also study to enhance your qualifications as a Christian statesman (informed voter or knowledgeable official). The Christian Liberty Party Studies in Christian Citizenship program is designed for this purpose.

Secondly, find at least one other person who will similarly seek God’s will and who will covenant with you to meet regularly for mutual accountability and joint action. (This ought to be a person who, like you, believes in the principles of the Christian Liberty Party; see, “publications,” Our Principles.)

Moving ahead

Designate one of your number as “leader.” Schedule regular meetings. Set opening and closing times, and stick to them. Set an agenda; make at least a rough plan for several weeks ahead.

You are under no obligation to the Christian Liberty Party—except the debt of gratitude for the inspiration to take this step of responsibility for your civil government.

The Work of a Christian Voter Club: Education and Service

[Note: this web site contains only a portion of the Christian Voter Club Manual. A free PDF copy of the manual can be sent to you by e-mail upon request. Just request the "Christian Voter Club Manual" on our Request Page.]

Contact us

To write, fax or call us, see The Christian Liberty Party Contact Page.


07-04-2011 Blog: Explicitly Christian Voter Clubs

11-10-2011 Blog: What Christian Voter Clubs Are About