Odin All-Father- picture by Carl Emil Doepler 1824-1905 (Public Domain)

HoFMeister's Report for 2023

2023 sees the introduction of the new Halls of Fame – the RoW Marilyns. 


Fourteen people make their appearance in this second edition for 2023, the first year of the new Tables.  Jim Bloomer is the new Hall entrant, not in the first edition.  The usual international peak-bagging 'elite' naturally make their home in the Halls, but also some new people too.  

A clear divide emerges in the Table between the 'professionals' who devote much time, travel and resources to peak-bagging abroad (represented in the Halls of Emerald, Gold and Silver) and part-time RoW peak-baggers without that laser-focus who generally take in some peaks on foreign holidays (represented in the Hall of Bronze).  Amongst the latter, Steve Smith, our Iberian RoW Marilyns specialist, is notable with thirty-seven in 2023, clearly with ambitions to join the professional elite. 

There are some others knocking on the door of the Hall of Bronze who may show their faces in 2024.  A horn of mead is ready for their welcome.

Mark Trengove

RoW Marilyns HoFMeister

March 2024